Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Judgment is an attempt to protect from hopelessness or insecurity, at high cost. Instead, check in with fear, grief, or hurt. Then wonder what needs are at stake for everyone. This makes space for grief instead of anger, for negotiation rather than control, and for "calling in" rather than excluding. Wonder: “For whom would this be life-serving or not?”, “What strategies would care for all needs?” or, “What can I contribute now?”

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 2-4 minutes
  • Date Added 1/1/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
When deciding if someone crossed your boundaries and how to respond, you may get conflicting opinions on it. These opinions can be coarse attempts to manage life with rules about what should(n’t) happen. Instead, so that you can find where you want to invest your energy, ask yourself questions that reveal what for you is truly in integrity, nourishing, connects to your heart, and deepens self understanding. Read on for examples.

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  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 8-12 minutes
  • Date Added 1/26/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Join LaShelle Lowe-Chardé as she shares a story that beautifully illustrates how boundaries are akin to consciously directing our precious energy. She artfully expands upon this concept by highlighting that life-serving boundaries embody the wisdom of discernment.

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  • Duration 6 minutes
  • Date Added 9/30/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Listen to Yoram Mosenzan discuss requests. He asserts that we can make requests of others and that we are making requests of ourselves throughout the day. The thing that has the biggest impact is how I make requests of myself.

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  • Duration 4 minutes
  • Date Added 10/13/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yoram Mosenzon
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

In this intriguing audio, Jim and Jori Manske create a framework for growing your feeling awareness, and offer daily practices for working with your feelings. Listen to this audio if you’d like to expand your emotional vocabulary!

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 45 minutes
  • Date Added 09/30/23
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Puzzling about needs and feelings? Check out this excerpt from Dian Killian's course, Embracing the Body: Somatic Self Empathy, where she leads participants through an exercise that demonstrates how our physical sensations connect us to our feelings and needs.

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 12 minutes
  • Date Added 09/24/23
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

The human species is trained and habituated towards separation. This model encourages humans to either give up on their needs or fight for their needs. In this short video, Miki shares how increasing capacity shifts habits of separation and supports holding of all needs. Through intensive lifelong practices we learn to increase our capacity to receive and to increase our capacity to be generous supports our overall capacity to hold all needs.

Additional Info

  • Duration 17 minutes
  • Date Added 9/21/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee NGL
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Join Mary Mackenzie, Certified NVC trainer, as she offers ways to incorporate NVC empathy guesses, feelings and needs into everyday conversations. This approach is geared towards adding deeper connection to the natural flow of conversations. The technique has become known as Street Giraffe.

Additional Info

  • Duration 3 minutes
  • Date Added 9/20/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

How do you navigate tension around honoring all aspects of your experience, as you express yourself within your community, and seek to take action that supports your vision for yourself and your people? How do you attend to your self-determination while honoring others’ path? Read on for an example of how the authors navigated this in response to tensions in NVC trainer community that included requests for her to self silence.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Advanced Skill Level
  • Duration 6 - 9 minutes
  • Date Added 12/1/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Roxy Manning
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
An anchor is something you turn your attention toward in order to interrupt reactivity and access a non-reactive, expansive perspective. Though it doesn't make the reactivity go away, it allow you the internal space to choose to not behave from reactivity. In this practice exercise learn more about anchors, plus how to create and use them.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 3 - 5 minutes
  • Date Added 2/26/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1