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Penny Wassman

CNVC Certified Trainer, from Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada

Penny Wassman is a founding director of the BC, Canada Network for Compassionate Communication and a CNVC Certified Trainer.

Captivated by the potency and simplicity of the NVC model in 1998, Penny realized she'd found a process that would satisfy her yearning that her work would contribute to positive social change. Since that time, she has offered Nonviolent Communication (NVC) workshops and trainings across Canada to corporate and government groups, to First Nations people, to educators, parents and students, care providers, seniors' groups and prison inmates among others.

Invited by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication, to facilitate at his nine-day international intensive sessions, Penny expanded her experience and knowledge to include international clients.

In 2003, she was commissioned by the Province of British Columbia to re-write sections of the Nonviolent Communication Companion Workbook to include workplace situations. She also offers a mentorship program for aspiring CNVC trainers and in 2005 was invited to join the North American Assessor Team for CNVC trainer candidates.

Whether she is offering sessions to large groups or to individuals, she experiences her work as stimulating and fun and is constantly rewarded by feedback from participants who are enthusiastic and effusive in sharing the many and varied ways her sessions have contributed to their personal and professional lives.

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Library resources with Penny Wassman

What’s Important to You?

Penny Wassman

This exercise is most often the first activity in a beginning level workshop after the usual logistics/history/check-in. Penny Wassman experiences it as an opportunity for people to build connection with one another.


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