Many people across the world are longing to learn NVC, but they don’t have the financial means to do so. The NVC Academy provides many discounts and full scholarships each year. We enjoy offering these even as they affect our sustainability. As a way to continue being able to support those who are unable to pay for NVC courses, we started the Community Support Fund. This is a place where you may choose to contribute financially towards other people’s registrations to our courses AND expand the spread of NVC in the world.
Your contribution helps to spread NVC consciousness and every penny goes to people who are requesting financial support to attend a live course. Thank you in advance for choosing to share resources with members of our community so they may learn the life-changing power of NVC!
Note: Contributions are not tax deductible.
We are deeply grateful to the many people in the greater NVC community who have joined us in looking for ways we can support our worldwide NVC community. Our great hope is that, by working together, all who are interested will have access to NVC trainings – regardless of their income or geographic location.
Thank you!
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