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Raj Gill

CNVC Certified Trainer from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Raj is a founding partner of EXLI ‚Äì The Experiential leadership Initiative and the Director of Prosperity Circles Coaching International in BC Canada.  She is a published author (NVC Toolkit for Facilitators) and a trainer certified by the Center for Nonviolent Communication.  Her practice includes Coaching and Training in Inclusive Leadership, Communication with Compassion and Emotional Intelligence. Over the past 13 years Raj has coached entrepreneurs, doctors, youth, couples and inmates to get results through their ideas, words and actions (IWA). Her work also includes curriculum development and teaching with Cowichan Intercultural Society, the Justice Institute of BC., UBC, Langara College and Correctional Service of Canada to name a few.  Raj brings over 30 years of experience in teaching, training and facilitation to her practice. Two of Raj‚Äôs role models are Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. She is a strong believer in the power of compassion and human connection for resolving conflict and creating business success.  Raj has provided trainings in Africa, Central & South America, North America and Ireland.

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Website:  Experiential Leadership Initiative


Library resources with Raj Gill

Expressing Anger Peacefully

Raj Gill

In this prerecorded telecourse, Raj Gil uses an interactive dialogue and proven exercises to help you develop a profoundly healthy response to anger, right in the moment.
