CNVC Certified Trainer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Anne Walton’s first visit to the CNVC website in 2004 brought her to tears! What she read there so deeply resonated with her, she knew in her heart that right then she was making a commitment to learn and share this process. Anne began her training with Marshall Rosenberg in Ottawa, Canada in 2005 and since then has passionately pursued learning and sharing NVC in Eastern and Western Canada and Southern California. She has participated in Robert Gonzales’ LIFE program and the Compassionate Leadership Program. Anne has shared NVC in schools, hospitals, community colleges, an adult recovery program and a homeless shelter.
Anne is also passionate about generating laughter, which she does through sharing her parody of Queen Elizabeth II. In 2001, when Anne’s life was not going quite as she would have enjoyed, she created a one woman show “CO(S)MIC QUEST” which she has performed, to rave reviews, in venues as far flung as St Petersburg, Russia; Calgary, Canada and Atlanta, Georgia, USA. This delight in humour, fun, laughter and play is reflected in her trainings as well.
Anne feels incredibly blessed to have NVC in her life and treasures the difference it’s made particularly in her relationship with herself; she also enjoys the creativity of discovering and refining processes which support both herself and others in transforming core jackals and living life more fully.
Anne has two adult children, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren and now makes her home in Ottawa ON, Canada.
Want to learn how to live your life more fully than you ever dreamed? In this course you’ll learn how you can shake off old behaviors that no longer serve you, get inspired to embrace a daily happiness practice, and begin experiencing a brand new sense of personal joy and inner peace.
CNVC Certified Trainer Anne Walton leads us through a guided visualization to help us make a shift in ideas we hold about ourselves. (Edited and Updated 10/6/2019)
This is an opportunity to explore/transform a limiting belief you have about yourself using what science is discovering about neurobiology. A limiting belief is simply an idea or thought we have about ourselves/life that we or others have affirmed over and over again – these ideas usually get in the way of living life fully.