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Liu Yi

CNVC Certified Trainer from China

CNVC Certified Trainer from China

Liu Yi is a Certified Trainer, Assessor-in-Training with CNVC,and Mandarin translator of Marshall Rosenberg’s book Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. She is the Founder of NVC Chinese Netand a Transformation and Biography Coach.

Based in China with a global mind (20+ years of intercultural experience in Europe, Asia and West Africa) and 15+ years professional experience in people development and communication, Liu Yi works as an entrepreneur, facilitator, trainer, and coach with the vision to catalyze paradigm shift with practical approaches at levels of individuals, communities and system. 

Her practices and approaches are enriched by both Eastern and Western spiritual paths of Buddhism, Taoism and Anthroposophy.

Upcoming Live NVC Courses with Liu Yi

 beginnerspathway stamp blue
  • Identify what really matters to you, and find the words to express it
  • Gain a foundational knowledge of Nonviolent Communication
  • Gain practical skills to help you create connection
  • Experience the inner freedom that comes with learning to express yourself
