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Elena Bernasconi Tabellini

CNVC Certified Trainer from Lugano, Italy

Elena Bernasconi-Tabellini has been a Nonviolent Communication certified trainer since 2015, Elena got to know Nonviolent Communication (NVC) at her workplace in 2005 and later in 2008 from Marshall Rosenberg. As a result of this last training, she decided to drastically change her life and align it more and more to the universal needs and values that she was getting acquainted with through her practice with NVC.

From that moment, Elena has been studying, practicing and applying NVC into her work, personal and family life as mother of two girls. In 2010, while working for a global communication association, she started offering NVC workshops. In 2012 she discovered two other important movements that keep inspiring her: permaculture and transition network. In 2015 she certified as NVC trainer, founded “Back to Empathy” and since then dedicates her life to co- creating the world in which she wishes that our future generations will be living.

She currently holds talks and workshops and runs mediations and facilitations for organizations (businesses and NGOs), schools, families and therapists mainly in Switzerland and Italy, and also internationally. She also works on building partnerships and collaborations to increase the impact for social change. This has led her to work with other professionals, associations and foundations. She speaks fluently Italian, English and German and speaks also French and Spanish.