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Shoshana Wheeler

Shoshana Wheeler is a teacher, counselor, and parent educator who has been active in the field of communication for over 20 years.  Shoshana is a highly acclaimed, award-winning teacher.  She taught for 15 years in the Conejo Valley where she was awarded "Teacher of the Month, April 2004," and the Ventura County SELPA's "Golden Bell" for her work in Inclusion with Special Education children into the mainstream classroom.

In 2003 she discovered the work of Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication, and has incorporated this practice and philosophy into all of her teachings.  Founded in-part upon the principals of Nonviolent Communication, Shoshana brought to students, parents and teachers connecting communication skills, The Way of Council, 2nd Step  (a violence prevention program), and Family Coaching.

Shoshana is a certified parent educator through The Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting (CNVEP).  She is committed to bringing Compassionate Parenting to families everywhere.