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Christiaan Zandt

CNVC Certified Trainer from Rotterdam, The Netherlands

I work and play as a trainer and mediator. I mainly work in organizations and groups where people seek to strengthen collaboration amidst growing complexity. Sometimes what I do is called training, sometimes mediation and sometimes it‚Äôs just ‚Äòworking with Christiaan‚Äô. I have been practising the Marshall Art of NVC since 2006, hold Master Degrees in History and Buddhist Studies and have been practising the martial way of Aikido since 1992  ‚Äì all of them growing out of a love for study, a hunger for practice and a fascination with life. Last week, I wrote down: ‚ÄúI am committed to bring more Play into the world (‚Ķand not for the fun of it). Play, for me, is not about having fun. It is about connecting to Life time and again, with wonder and an open heart. That has been a major part of my practice when, in the past 5 years, my youngest son was diagnosed with Leukemia twice.