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Marco Matera

Marco Matera is a trainer, facilitator, permaculture teacher and expert in community building. After working in the global automotive digital marketing and technology industry around the world, he decided to make a change in his life by moving towards sustainability. In 2015, he stumbled upon the Permaculture concept which boosted his day-to-day quality of life by improving his relationship with the natural environment, his local human community.

In 2016, he founded an online magazine called “Permacultura & Transizione” with the aim to give more visibility to Italian permaculturists, people involved in Transition initiatives or ecovillages. He is certified as a permaculture teacher at the Akadamie Permakultury in the Czech Republic with George Sobol. Co-founder of the School of Human Permaculture in Italy. Passionate with Sociocracy, Facilitation and Nonviolent Communication. Currently he runs workshops, seminars, talks regarding permaculture and deep ecology. He fluently speaks English, French and Italian.