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Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged:
Sarah Peyton, international speaker and facilitator, has a passion for weaving together neuroscience knowledge and experiences of healing that unify people with their brains and bodies. Sarah makes Interpersonal Neurobiology research available for our embodied brains to use in living at peace with ourselves. Funny, touching, and filled with personal stories and up-to-date research on our nervous systems and how they interact with each other, her presentations change lives and invite self-acceptance and self-compassion.
Sarah offers healing experiences of hearing ourselves and others deeply (using the precision and resonant language that come alive in the long-term study of Nonviolent communication) and 3D body-centered explorations of families over generations (through family constellation work.)
Sarah is a CNVC Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and the author of the book Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain's Capacity for Healing, published by W.W. Norton, which brings together neurobiology, the science of relationships and Nonviolent Communication.
What happens when empathy isn't enough?
When you and the people you love keep getting into the same argument again and again with no resolution or change, it can feel deeply distressing. It may even be challenging to hold on to hope. Realizing what trauma is – a phenomenon that affects us all – increases your self-compassion and gives you solid ground to stand on. Then, when you begin to integrate the tool of unconscious contract work, you can become intimate with your own survival strategies and those of the people you love.
In this 6-session course Sarah Peyton will take you through the 5 levels of unconscious contracts that can create patterns of self-sabotage and self-defeat. Each session introduces a different unconscious contract based on various aspects of relational neuroscience and provides support for the release of these contracts.
Sarah Peyton shows you how, with deep empathy, self-accompaniment, and an understanding of neuroscience, you can free yourself from your original constraints.
It can be bewildering to be human.
We can make so many choices that are not good for us. Why do we persist in habits, incapacities or self-judgments that are harmful to our long-term well-being?
The answer to this question is surprising – it is usually either love – or - paradoxically, survival!
Love is at the root of self-sabotage.
Though we often aren't aware of it, our nervous systems are essentially still paired with our earliest caregivers and often related to how we responded as a child. Our first interactions shape us in ways that can limit our life energy.
When you experience an emotion, your body send a message to your brain that lights up the amygdala. Then what? Listen as Sarah Peyton demonstrates the NVC practice of Naming the Feeling and Need, which calms the amygdala and enables you to move into relational space.
Every one of us is impacted many times each day by micro-freezes that are the resulting fallout from both recent and long ago painful events. During this powerfully healing course, Sarah will walk you through a unforgettable tour of neuroscience, and succinctly demonstrate how NVC and neuroscience together can change your brain and enable your life to become both more fluid and far more resilient.
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: