Defusing Self-Sabotage

Defusing Self-Sabotage

Identifying and Transforming Unconscious Contracts with Empathy

Sarah Peyton

MP4 Video Download

6 Sessions

7 hours 37 minutes, plus handouts

Recorded in 2019

Price: $97


Added 08/25/2021


It can be bewildering to be human.

We can make so many choices that are not good for us. Why do we persist in habits, incapacities or self-judgments that are harmful to our long-term well-being? 

The answer to this question is surprising – it is usually either love – or - paradoxically, survival!

Love is at the root of self-sabotage.

Though we often aren't aware of it, our nervous systems are essentially still paired with our earliest caregivers and often related to how we responded as a child. Our first interactions shape us in ways that can limit our life energy. 

This course takes you through 5 different levels of unconscious contracts.

In this 6-session course Sarah will take you through the 5 levels of unconscious contracts that can create patterns of self-sabotage and self-defeat. Each session introduces a different unconscious contract based on various aspects of relational neuroscience and provides support for the release of these contracts. 

In Defusing Self-Sabotage, you will learn:

  • how you turn off entire flavors of emotion and how to turn them back on
  • the relationship between blocked life energy and self-sabotage
  • to understand the life-serving power of negative beliefs
  • about the "false bodhisattva vows"
  • what the universal release process is

Sarah shows you how, with deep empathy, self-accompaniment and an understanding of neuroscience, you can free yourself from your original constraints.