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Duke Duchscherer

CNVC Certified Trainer from Rochester, New York, USA

CNVC Certified Trainer from Rochester, New York, USA

Facilitator Duke Duchscherer is a past member of the Board of Directors for the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence. He has facilitated training in Restorative Circles and Nonviolent Communication around the world with a depth and breadth of peoples and communities from small villages at the grassroots to governmental leaders at the United Nations on five continents.

Some of this work has included supporting the transformation of active conflicts such as leading a series of restorative dialogues between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian community where they reside near the warfront in Ukraine(2015); or facilitating dialogue between state-level government officials, minority/indigenous groups, and those who have been directly harmed by strikes, protests, and border closings due to the promulgation of the new Nepal constitution. Duke has also worked extensively in the area of reconciliation leading numerous dialogues such as one between former Shining Path & MRTA rebels, former military, civil society leaders, and those directly harmed during the 'time of violence' in Peru; or between Rwandan genocide survivors and recently released prisoners who killed their families. (see the documentary In The Eyes of the Good and the website www.togetherwethrive.world for examples of Duke’s work).

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In this snippet from Duke Duchscherer's course, Restorative Dialogues: Transforming Conflict, Building Community Resilience, he shares a structured approach for conflict resolution or communication facilitation. It involves a facilitator guiding a conversation between two parties in conflict. The process begins with one party expressing their perspective while the other listens actively. The facilitator then prompts the listener to paraphrase what they heard, ensuring mutual understanding. This cycle continues until both parties feel heard. Subsequently, the facilitator encourages them to discuss potential solutions collaboratively. Once both sides are satisfied, the session concludes, with participants potentially swapping roles for further practice. The aim is for everyone involved to gain experience in effective communication and conflict resolution.


Duke Duchscherer shares that community well-being is created by the relationships that exist within the community. He discerns two vital components: bonding connections within similar groups and bridging connections between different groups. This interplay forms what is commonly termed as social capital, a cornerstone of community vitality. Duke says that a community's strength lies in its ability to foster connections across diverse backgrounds. This notion resonates deeply with him, reinforcing his commitment to utilizing restorative circles. These circles, with their focus on building and restoring relationships, hold the key to enhancing collective resilience and unity. He believes they represent a proactive approach to sustaining community cohesion and preventing fragmentation in the face of adversity.
