Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Empathy is a form of attunement. Empathy is giving your compassionate curiosity by guessing another’s feelings and needs. Consider how you live or relate to each of these 12 essential aspects of empathy. Some of them mention how we can offer empathy without abandoning ourselves, how empathy isn't always the best response, and how "Empathy can be offered when you disagree with another’s opinion, memory, or perspective."

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 2-3 minutes
  • Date Added 10/23/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

"Falling out of love" is a misleading concept that can lead to feelings of helplessness in relationships. The initial intense phase of love gradually gives way to the need for intentional effort and communication. Unrealistic relationship expectations can erode connection, causing the perception of falling out of love. To address this, we can ask key questions and seek clarity to attend to unmet needs and maintain a healthy connection.

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 3-5 minutes
  • Date Added 10/10/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

We can use anger as an important signal to let us know that we perceive a threat to a universal need or value, directing our attention to something so that we can take effective action, and avoid harmful thought patterns. For example, instead of dwelling on a "should," focus on addressing unmet needs through boundaries and effective communication.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 2-3 minutes
  • Date Added 9/25/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Robert's passion was in the spirituality of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process. He saw NVC both as a process that helps people connect more authentically with themselves and others, and as a spiritual practice and way of living.

The worldwide NVC community mourned when Robert died in 2021. He left behind a legacy of work that emerged from a lifetime of inquiry into the intersection between spirituality and human communication.

Additional Info

  • Duration 12 minutes
  • Date Added 9/14/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Ruth Joy
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World is the last course that Robert Gonzales offered before his passing in November of 2021. It is an intermediate course whose purpose is to deepen our conscious connection to our own vital life force, to develop skills that support inner healing, and to grow and strengthen daily practices that allow us to truly live life to the fullest.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 15 - 16 hours
  • Date Added 9/11/23
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Ruth Joy
  • Points 0
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Yvette Erasmus shares Terry Real's grid as a tool for exploring a spectrum of emotional responses. We all have feelings and sometimes we get dysregulated or frozen up. How do you want to express and be in connection with other people? Can you attune to the relational context that you are in?

Additional Info

  • Duration 2 mins 30 sec
  • Date Added 7/26/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Duke Duchscherer explores responding to people who are committed to a punitive process rather than a restorative process. He suggests looking for what needs are met by the punitive process. Could those needs be met in a restorative process?

Additional Info

  • Duration 2 minutes
  • Date Added 7/26/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Duke Duchscherer
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Yvette Erasmus shares that we can translate or shift how we hear right and wrong language. We can use the cue - What is needed? I wonder what they are needing? This helps direct my attention to more relationality.

Additional Info

  • Duration 2 minutes
  • Date Added 12/4/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Yvette Erasmus shares practices to help us develop a regulated nervous system. We all get hijacked and triggered at some point. When that happens we can travel a blame and shame road or we can greet ourselves with graciousness and self compassion.

Additional Info

  • Duration 3 mins, 30 sec
  • Date Added 11/13/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Many of us have been raised within a right/ wrong culture. From very young ages, we are asked, "What is wrong?" Yvette Erasmus shares a different view where emotions can be seen as expansion and contraction, where they can help us identify our needs.

Additional Info

  • Duration 7 minutes
  • Date Added 10/09/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1