Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight: OFNR

This month, we’re going back to the essential steps of NVC. Dian Killian shows how to Reframe OFNR (Observation, Feelings, Needs, and Requests) for the Workplace. In The NVC Model: A Map to Your Intentions, Dian explains more about how you can use the map to remind you of your heartfelt consciousness. 


David Weinstock covers the forms and distinctions of NVC in Nonviolent Communication Basics, and John Kinyon goes over the OFNR Communication Components.


Contextualizing the NVC Process with Miki Kashtan explains how NVC's OFNR process is a tool to train our consciousness, rather than the "correct" way to speak.

From a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) perspective, expressing vulnerabilities by labeling someone as selfish can create disconnection and conflict. Instead of fostering understanding and support, this type of communication often leads to misunderstanding and defensive reactions. Yoram Mosenzon demonstrates how expressing feelings and needs clearly and without judgment facilitates empathy and mutual understanding. This allows for genuine connection and the possibility of finding mutually satisfying solutions.

Additional Info

  • Duration 9 min 9 sec
  • Date Added 5/8/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yoram Mosenzon
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
  • Come in contact with the vision at the heart of NVC and discover what is yours to do within it
  • Choose how far you want to commit to living and applying NVC everywhere you are
  • Uncover the potential of NVC to materially support humans in realigning with life
  • Take in what can happen when we actively engage in experimentation to integrate nonviolence into the fabric of human life

Additional Info

  • Start Date Begins Sunday, July 28, 2024
  • Duration 12 hours (2 hours per session)
  • Sign Up URL /registration/signup/MK-EQ-EQ-experiments-with-truth-2024
  • Gift URL /registration/signup/MK-EQ-EQ-experiments-with-truth-2024-gift
  • Header Image Header Image
  • Bullets
    • Come in contact with the vision at the heart of NVC and discover what is yours to do within it
    • Choose how far you want to commit to living and applying NVC everywhere you are
    • Uncover the potential of NVC to materially support humans in realigning with life
    • Take in what can happen when we actively engage in experimentation to integrate nonviolence into the fabric of human life
  • Dates & Times

    Sundays, July 28-September 1, 2024 (six sessions)
    7:30-9:30am Pacific (California) Time  

    The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.

  • Bonuses
    • Video and audio recordings of every session
    • Forum discussion available in the classroom
    • Lifetime access to the classroom
    • Translated captions available in 30+ languages


  • Payment

    There is no set amount for this course. Though we offer below guidance to people in choosing how much to give, it is intended as support for you, not as specific requests. We invite people to register using a gift economy approach so that everyone can have access and our work can also be sustainable. We ask that you give the most that you can do without overstretching or resentment. You can learn more about our thinking and about choosing your amount here. 

    • Supporting Others to Attend: $610 Covers your registration and supports others who may not be able to give the full amount.
    • Sustainability for Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) and NVC Academy: $420 Supports Nonviolent Global Liberation (NGL) and NVC Academy to continue offering NVC programs.
    • Payment plan: 4 payments of $105 if registered by June 24 Installment payments are offered to support your ease.
    • Increased Accessibility: $50 If you are from a marginalized group; or part of the global south, regardless of where you live.
    • Choose your amount If the above options are still a barrier for you to join, please choose the amount you can give, even if it is $0. Restoring the gift flow means, also, stretching into receiving.
  • Dates Table

    The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.

  • What Happens After I Register?

    When you register, you will receive an email with complete instructions on how to access your course.
    Note that course recordings display images of active speakers only, and are made available to all registrants.

  • Learn how to overcome negative self-talk
  • Embark on an empowering journey of self-discovery
  • Celebrate your personal strengths
  • Increase trust in yourself

Additional Info

  • Start Date Begins Monday, July 1, 2024
  • Duration 10 hours (2 hours per session)
  • Sign Up URL https://nvcacademy.com/registration/signup/YE-inner-coach-2024
  • Gift URL https://nvcacademy.com/registration/signup/YE-inner-coach-2024-gift
  • Header Image Header Image
  • Bullets
    • Overcome your negative inner critic
    • Create a compassionate relationship with yourself
    • Reframe setbacks as opportunities for growth
    • Learn the tools to discover your potential
  • Dates & Times

    Mondays, July 1-29, 2024 (Five sessions)
    The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.

  • Bonuses
    • Video and audio recordings of every session
    • Forum discussion available in the classroom
    • Lifetime access to the classroom
    • Translated captions available in 30+ languages 
  • Payment

    Registration Fee: $330
    NVC Library Members*: $264

    *NVC Library members get 20% off their registration fee using code NVCL at time of checkout

  • Dates Table

    Dates and times are adjusted to your location. You can select a different time zone at the bottom of the list.

  • What Happens After I Register?

    When you register, you will receive an email with complete instructions on how to access your course.
    Note that course recordings display images of active speakers only, and are made available to all registrants.

If you answer yes to at least one of the questions below, then this course may be key to building the relationship you want with your children:

  • Do you know in your bones that you want to build a relationship in which both your needs and those of your children are fully included?
  • Are you tired of seeing yourself time and again using methods to get your children to "cooperate" that you don't actually subscribe to?
  • Do you struggle to imagine how to find enough hours in the day to collaborate for real with your children?
  • Do you brace for any conversation with extended family and community who criticize you for being too soft with your children? 
  • Do you often feel all alone and wonder if you are actually on the right path?

Additional Info

  • Duration 8 - 9 Hours
  • Date Added 8/26/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Arnina Kashtan, Lisa Rothman, NGL
  • Points 0
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Join Mary Mackenzie, Certified NVC trainer, as she offers a simple approach incorporating NVC into everyday conversations. Her observation is that sometimes speaking NVC empath guesses of feelings and needs can feel un-natural or robotic. A possible solution is to slightly shift the way a person applies their NVC skills, focusing on the flow of conversation in a modern way. This technique has become known as Street Giraffe. Her short video is packed with useful ideas that are sure to become useful tools you can add to your repritoir.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Introductory Skill Level
  • Duration 3 min 22 sec
  • Production Date 3/7/2024

Hi friends, My name is Itzel and I’m happy for this opportunity to share a bit about myself and how I came to teach NVC. I was an activist before I knew what the word meant. When I was a child, I often argued with the adults around me about what I thought was “right.” If I had a nickel for every time a grown-up said to me, “You should be a lawyer,” I probably would’ve collected enough money to pay for the law school education that I eventually got. I left my traditional legal career path after more than a decade to become a...

Additional Info

  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 5 minutes
  • Date Added 02/28/2024
  • Premium Members


  • Points 0
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
In this snippet from Duke Duchscherer's course, Restorative Dialogues: Transforming Conflict, Building Community Resilience, he shares a structured approach for conflict resolution or communication facilitation. It involves a facilitator guiding a conversation between two parties in conflict. The process begins with one party expressing their perspective while the other listens actively. The facilitator then prompts the listener to paraphrase what they heard, ensuring mutual understanding. This cycle continues until both parties feel heard. Subsequently, the facilitator encourages them to discuss potential solutions collaboratively. Once both sides are satisfied, the session concludes, with participants potentially swapping roles for further practice. The aim is for everyone involved to gain experience in effective communication and conflict resolution.

Additional Info

  • Duration 3 min 54 sec
  • Date Added 4/3/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Duke Duchscherer
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
Marshall Rosenberg used to talk about every situation with the same level of joy a child might feel. This may seem impossible at first! But when you focus on all the ways something is hard, you miss out on the full experience and remove your sense of choice. In this video, Mary shares several benefits of positivity and lots of examples along the way. 

Additional Info

  • Duration 7 min 30 sec
  • Date Added 3/8/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
When you experience an emotion, your body send a message to your brain that lights up the amygdala. Then what? Listen as Sarah Peyton demonstrates the NVC practice of Naming the Feeling and Need, which calms the amygdala and enables you to move into relational space.

Additional Info

  • Duration 2 min 23 sec
  • Date Added 8/16/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Sarah Peyton
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Duke Duchscherer shares that community well-being is created by the relationships that exist within the community. He discerns two vital components: bonding connections within similar groups and bridging connections between different groups. This interplay forms what is commonly termed as social capital, a cornerstone of community vitality.

Duke says that a community's strength lies in its ability to foster connections across diverse backgrounds. This notion resonates deeply with him, reinforcing his commitment to utilizing restorative circles. These circles, with their focus on building and restoring relationships, hold the key to enhancing collective resilience and unity. He believes they represent a proactive approach to sustaining community cohesion and preventing fragmentation in the face of adversity.

Additional Info

  • Duration 4 min 33 sec
  • Date Added 7/11/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Duke Duchscherer
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1