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Miki Kashtan, Arnina Kashtan and Lisa Rothman

Miki Kashtan

Miki Kashtan is a co-founder of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication (BayNVC) and Lead Collaboration Consultant at the Center for Efficient Collaboration.

Miki aims to support visionary leadership and shape a livable future using collaborative tools based on the principles of Nonviolent Communication. She shares these tools through meeting facilitation, mediation, consulting, coaching, and training for organizations and committed individuals. Her latest book, The Highest Common Denominator: Using Convergent Facilitation to Reach Breakthrough Collaborative Decisions (2021) explores the practices and systems needed for a collaborative society.

She is also the author of Reweaving Our Human Fabric: Working together to Create a Nonviolent Future, Spinning Threads of Radical Aliveness: Transcending the Legacy of Separation in Our Individual Lives, and The Little Book of Courageous Living. Miki blogs at The Fearless Heart and her articles have appeared in the New York Times ("Want Teamwork? Encourage Free Speech"), Tikkun, Waging Nonviolence, Shareable, Peace and Conflict, and elsewhere. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from UC Berkeley.

Arnina Kashtan

Arnina Kashtan, certified NVC trainer (1992), is the creator of “The Compass”, the process for personal, familial & collective liberation, and author of “Falling in Love with Myself Again” (2016). Founder of Meitarim, the Center for The Compass & NVC Studies in Israel (2000), she delivers workshops and trainings, online & offline, to the general public, as well as trainings for coaches, mediators & trainers (in Hebrew, English & Spanish).

Arnina's passion and special gifts are in enhancing breakthroughs in awareness, thus bringing forth deep transformations on all levels. Her unique approach combines a profound, laser-like exploration into our innermost core, supported by a rare sense of humor and embedded in deep, embracing empathy. The emerging almost magical space she creates has enabled her students all over the world to open up into new understandings and embark on a fresh, compassionate, and expanding free path.

Lisa Rothman

As the executive producer and host of award-winning public radio shows, as a manager dedicated to efficient collaboration, and as a presentation skills coach for Fortune 500 executives and thought leaders, Lisa has spent the last 15 years helping people express themselves clearly and communicate effectively with each other to advance their organizations and their careers.

She enjoyed helping clients figure out what the people they’re speaking with want, how what they have to say meets those criteria, and how to explain that connection in language those people can understand.

Workshop participants describe her training style as supportive and entertaining. She lives in Oakland with her husband Kevin and her children Ezra and Murray. She performs comic monologues throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. 

NVC Library Resources with : Miki Kashtan, Arnina Kashtan and Lisa Rothman

Inscrease compassion for yourself through understanding why your capacity may lag so far behind your commitment and what you can do to bridge the gap Higher Compassion for your children as you understand better what life is like from within their own experience rather than from the outside looking in Surge in energy that you can put into new conversations with them designed to make agreements that are based on the truth of where you all are rather than on any "should"