Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Introductory Skill Level


3 min 22 sec

Join Mary Mackenzie, Certified NVC trainer, as she offers a simple approach incorporating NVC into everyday conversations. Her observation is that sometimes speaking NVC empath guesses of feelings and needs can feel un-natural or robotic. A possible solution is to slightly shift the way a person applies their NVC skills, focusing on the flow of conversation in a modern way. This technique has become known as Street Giraffe. Her short video is packed with useful ideas that are sure to become useful tools you can add to your repritoir.


Beginner Skill Level


15 minutes

Being heard is a core human need. But what if you don't like what the other person is saying: how do you hold onto your awareness of their humanity? Find out in this demonstration from Kathy Simon's course, Connect Across Differences.


Beginner Skill Level


7 minutes

Yoram defines empathy as a blending of the arts of listening and following, and says it is the biggest gift we can offer each other! Listen what can happen when a restless child has the presence and attention of his mother.
