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NVC Resources on Compassion - Nonviolent Communication

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed – or locked into passivity? This course offers you a way out. Learn to change the way you perceive leadership, and you’ll help yourself respond more powerfully and proactively every day of your life – wherever you are – and whomever you’re with!

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 6 - 8 hours
  • Date Added 10/7/2015
  • Premium Members Premium Members
  • Payee NGL
  • Points 0
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

In general, criticism is a reactive response discomfort. When someone criticizes, they are not yet able or willing take responsibility for their needs. All criticism is a tragic expression of feelings and unmet needs. When you meet that criticism skillfully you not only care for yourself, you can facilitate clarity, and constructive communication, about what the other person is truly asking for.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 7 - 11 minutes
  • Date Added 5/2019
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 3
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

How do we address historical and present challenges regarding the invisibility of privilege and power? What can we do, especially if we are people with privilege, to transform these conditions?  However challenging these kinds of situations are, and whatever our position, we can move towards more inclusivity by learning and doing significant inner and outer work.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 3 - 5 minutes
  • Date Added 06/2011
  • Premium Members


  • Payee NGL
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

What is it that we are taught we can’t have, and what is it that we are encouraged to pursue instead? This guide could help you see through what's hidden behind the curtain of our societal conditioning.

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  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 4 - 6 minutes
  • Date Added 11/2010
  • Premium Members


  • Payee NGL
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

There's the real need. And then there's the privilege that’s offered as a substitute for it. Privilege substitutes support the existing structure of society. It can look to us as if giving up the privilege would amount to giving up everything -- if we don't believe the real needs can even be experienced. If we connected directly to the needs, we could become subversive, agents of change.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 4 - 6 minutes
  • Date Added 06/2011
  • Premium Members


  • Payee NGL
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

In groups, relationships and society we may not want to dominate or take away from others’ access to power, to choice, to participation in decisions, nor to shaping the vision and direction of the dynamic. And yet how do we do it anyway without knowing it? Discover how privilege operates on a societal level and becomes so invisible in groups. Learn why the conversation is usually excruciating for members of both privileged and under privileged.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 4 - 6 minutes
  • Date Added 06/2011
  • Premium Members


  • Payee NGL
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Want to increase diversity, plus improve group dynamics and group functioning? There are things you can do to make NVC settings more welcoming to people of color. Learn more about how to use NVC; attend to impact; help the community understand and demonstrate more awareness; factor in historical context; engage; create a more inclusive climate; and more!

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 9 - 13 minutes
  • Date Added 06/2019
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Roxy Manning
  • Points 3
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

This handout defines and contrasts "empathy" alongside "responses may meet needs, but are not empathy" (such as advice, correcting, consoling, etc).

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 2 - 3 minutes
  • Date Added 6/2019
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: People’s choice of words may be difficult to hear. In fact, we may feel downright aggravated by them. Whether we enjoy these statements or not, we can begin to recognize that behind each statement is a desire to meet needs, either by saying please or thank you. In this way, we are more likely to feel compassion because we have connected to their humanness. Listen for the please or thank you in your conversations today.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Beginner Skill Level
  • Duration 1 - 2 minutes
  • Date Added 10/2005
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 2
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Mediating a conflict conversation can be challenging – but with tools and practice, that challenge can be transformed. If you're curious about the specific steps needed to achieve that transformation, join John for an exploration of his non-dual mindfulness practice.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Intermediate Skill Level
  • Duration 44 minutes
  • Date Added 11/17/2018
  • Premium Members Premium Members
  • Payee John Kinyon
  • Points 3
  • Multi Trainer Num 1