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NVC Resources on Compassion - Nonviolent Communication

The question “Is X an evaluation?” (where “X" represents whatever word is under discussion) has taken up some controversy in the NVC network. Often, context changes the meaning and assessment of words (eg. use of the term "domination" as in "You’re trying to dominate me!” vs. “domination societies”). Read on for several questions that can support understanding whether a term is evaluative, and reflect on the results it produces.

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  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 10 - 15 mins
  • Date Added 9/20/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Bob Wentworth
  • Points 4
  • Multi Trainer Num 1
We only have this decade to make radical changes to avert crossing over into an unlivable Earth. What's essential is a critical mass of people with capacity to respond to many enormous, daunting social-environmental challenges. This means on a wider scale, responding to conflict, fear, hate, injustice and violence with the ability to see our commonality underlying our differences. And to feel part of a larger whole so we can birth natural caring, togetherness, and cooperation.

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  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 2-3 minutes
  • Date Added 4/11/2024
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee John Kinyon
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

The purpose of boundaries is to prevent harm to yourself and others. You decide what you are available for and what you are not. Boundaries are a clear expression of limits that keep your heart open no matter what.

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  • Duration 58 minutes
  • Date Added 5/23/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 3
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

The purpose of setting boundaries is to prevent harm to yourself and others. In this video, Yvette Erasmus describes how and why exquisite self-care requires exquisite boundaries.

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  • Duration 6 minutes
  • Date Added 5/23/2023
  • Premium Members n/a
  • Payee Yvette Erasmus
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: People sometimes say, “I didn’t do NVC this week.” Or “I tried NVC when I was in an argument last week.” NVC (AKA. Compassionate Communication) is not a thing to pull out of a bag of tricks once in a while. It is a way of living -- even as we may slip up, our goal is to more often handle situations with a consciousness of valuing connection and everyone’s needs more than being right, winning or protecting ourselves.

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  • Skill Level Beginner Skill level
  • Duration 1 - 2 minutes
  • Date Added 9/30/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: Do you sometimes feel lonely and disconnected from others? If so, look at how you may be participating in supporting that outcome and what you can do differently. For instance, if you want support or connection - but prioritize looking composed no matter how sad, hurt or angry you feel, you may shield yourself from authentically and vulnerably asking those things. Instead, make those requests.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Beginner Skill level
  • Duration 1-2 minutes
  • Date Added 9-21-2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: We can voice our upset about a situation and still see the higher self in the other person. Honest expression can deepen connection and bring us closer to resolution and connection, when we're not judging them. To know that they're a spiritual being, but think they're an insensitive slob or egotistical bore, is a contradiction. Instead, look for the needs they want to meet. See the spiritual being in everyone—even yourself.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Introductory Skill level
  • Duration 1-2 minutes
  • Date Added 12/26/23
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: Next time someone asks how you're doing, you can check in with yourself and offer an honest answer. It doesn't need to be 15-minute response. You could say, "I’m feeling tired and overwhelmed by this project. I’m sure it'll work out. I’m just worried about it now. How are you?” If you're ready to do that, then you can be honest with yourself. Doing this can help you be present to how you are, and hold your experience as a gift to self and others.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level All Skill levels
  • Duration 1-2 minutes
  • Date Added 5/13/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

When your dedication to something is fueled by a profound intention to benefit all life, you may call it your spiritual practice. This means cultivating compassion, wisdom, and skills to notice what truly serves life. Its a discovery and experiment in what does and doesn't serve life, and what you can do now - its not about what you believe or not. Continuously inquire: "What most deeply serves life and how can I do that right now?"

Additional Info

  • Skill Level All Skill Levels
  • Duration 1-2 minutes
  • Date Added 5/13/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee LaShelle Lowe-Charde
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1

Trainer Tip: Violence results from thinking that others caused our pain and deserve to be punished. The cause of our feelings is related to our own needs in the moment. What happened is the stimulus. Notice this when you are tempted to blame other people for your feelings, and try to discover your unmet needs.

Additional Info

  • Skill Level Beginner Skill level
  • Duration 1-2 minutes
  • Date Added 4/27/2023
  • Premium Members


  • Payee Mary Mackenzie
  • Points 1
  • Multi Trainer Num 1