Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Listen to Miki talk about the value of participating in groups, recognizing our inherent nature to do so, how industrialization has hindered our skills and the value of participating in a time when it's most needed.


Trainer Tip

1-2 minutes

Trainer Tip: Most of us have been conditioned to withhold the expression of our feelings to some degree. Mary offers a tip to de-stigmatize our feelings and relax into our humanness.


Trainer Tip

1-2 minutes

Trainer Tip: When someone is in pain and lashing out, might be a time when empathy is needed most. Empathizing in these moments can be very challenging. Mary offers a few words of ecouragement for these situations.

Trainer Tip: The exchange of resources, that is, exchanging money for an item or service, is enhanced and better appreciated when we are connected to its personal value rather than its cost.

Trainer Tip: Giving up on blame and taking responsibilty for our choices is immensely empowering. Mary offers a tip for growing in this direction.

What is essential to make a relationship thrive? Listen to CNVC Certified Trainer Linda Mia Mukte (formerly Rysenbry) share seven types of conversations vital to healthy, flourishing intimate relationships.

Do you ever think you have the perfect answer for someone who is struggling? Eric offers a tip on how to approach situations like this.


Trainer Tip

1-2 minutes

Eric offers a very brief but valuable Trainer Tip about persistence practicing NVC, sometimes a small shift in approach can make a big difference.

Join Jim Manske as he leads you through a self-connection exercise to guide you toward welcoming whatever enters into your awareness.

Christine King, Faye Landey, Liv Larsson, Mary Mackenzie and Rita Herzog


1 hour, 24 minutes

Please join us as we take a look at what disrupts our joy during the holidays… and discuss the delicious possibilities that abound when we declare our intention to "Greet the Holidays with an Open, Joyful Heart."

Barbara Larson, Deborah Bellamy, Jeff Brown, Kristin Masters, Louise Romain and Mary Mackenzie


52 minutes

Please join us as we take a deeper look into this mysterious word, “community.” In this Trainer Dialogue recording, we explore the living process of creating, uniting and nurturing NVC communities so that they transcend yet sustain and empower their members.

Join LoraKim Joyner to investigate how merging science, the social and emotional intelligence of humans, animals and other species and Nonviolent Communication can bring a greater sense of belonging and wholeness to your life, and care and justice to the lives of others.

Jim and Jori Manske offer insight into blame, how it arises and how do we handle being blamed and our own blame of others.

Jim and Jori Manske share strategies for employing gratitude to create more joy in life, jettisoning the fear of asking for what you want, and welcoming feedback no matter how it is delivered.

Join Jim and Jori Manske in a thought experiment exercise designed to help us become more aware of our conditioning, allowing us to make more conscious and connected choices in the face of conflict.

In this telecourse recording, you will learn and practice self-awareness skills to fine tune your attention to met needs; savoring feelings of well-being; expressing these feelings to others; and receiving other people's messages of joy, gratitude, inspiration and more!

Catherine Cadden, Jesse Wiens, Mark Schultz and Miki Kashtan


45 minutes

CNVC Certified Trainers Catherine Cadden, Jesse Wiens and Miki Kashtan join NVC Academy co-founder Mark Schultz in a discussion of Nonviolent Communication and social change in the context of the Occupy Movement.

Ronnie Hausheer, an NVC facilitator who volunteers her time for OccupyVoice.info joins NVC Academy co-founder Mark Schultz in a discussion of her work sharing empathy, NVC training and mediation with members of the Occupy Movement.

In this audio recording, Veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, Sylvia Haskvitz uses real-life situations to help us find more natural expressions of what is harmony with our hearts.

Jim and Jori discuss sharing power through exploring our experience of having and not having power, how we make choices about our power and examining our relationship to power itself.