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  1. Meeting Our Needs

    Meeting Our Needs

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 11/11/2019

    Trainer Tip: Discovering the unmet needs is only a starting point. The other part is to understand what it will take to meet that need, and make a request that will accomplish this. This way, we can resolve situations before they escalate. Everyone benefits when we are clear about what we would like.

  2. Embracing Leadership within Yourself

    Embracing Leadership within Yourself

    (4 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 4 - 6 hours · 10/27/2019

    Join Miki as she covers a lot of territory, defining leadership, helping us lead when we're not in the leadership chair, showing us how to have power in every moment and engage our fear instead of let it run us. Get some powerful leadership tools you can put to use today.

  3. What is Nonviolent Communication?

    What is Nonviolent Communication?

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 10/26/2020

    Trainer tip: NVC focuses on shared human values and needs, and encourages the use of language that increases good will -- plus avoidance of language that contributes to resentment or lowered self-esteem. It emphasizes taking personal responsibility for choices and improving the quality of relationships as a primary goal. For today, focus on making observations without moralistic judgment in at least two of your interactions.

  4. We can't alone (nor with lone communities) transform the hidden structures of violence and domination. Dialogue alone isn't disruptive enough. We can easily be in dialogue with Trump supporters while the planet burns up, millions are still hungry, and we go extinct. NVC seriously risks reinforcing vast inequities and abuses if we're not radically engaging systemic constraints, and impacts of our choices that go beyond our immediate circle. Read on for ways to leverage NVC practices to expand true social change.

  5. Life-Alienating Communication

    Life-Alienating Communication

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 1/6/2021

    Trainer tip: Be aware of times when you are judging others, demanding, making comparisons, or denying responsibility for your actions. Notice how these communication patterns affect your connection with other people.

  6. Defusing Self-Sabotage

    Defusing Self-Sabotage

    Sarah Peyton

    Downloadable Courses · ·

    Every one of us is impacted many times each day by micro-freezes that are the resulting fallout from both recent and long ago painful events. During this powerfully healing course, Sarah will walk you through a unforgettable tour of neuroscience, and succinctly demonstrate how NVC and neuroscience together can change your brain and enable your life to become both more fluid and far more resilient.

    • Explore ways of parenting that will shape a future full of purpose and possibility
    • Discover how your values can serve as a compass to guide you forward
    • Understand the relationship between your present actions and desired outcomes
    • Gain experience in balancing your child’s present needs with long term visions!
  7. Life is a Cabaret!

    Life is a Cabaret!

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 4/29/2023

    Trainer Tip: It can help us bring joy into our lives to connect to the needs we serve for doing things. While our activities may not always be fun, understanding their purpose and their value to our lives can help us shift the energy behind the action and have a more positive experience. Consider the underlying needs activities meet, and decide if they are worth it to you.

    • Explore what makes the capacity lens radical and practical
    • Understand the complexities of how capacity and willingness interface
    • Mourn capacity limits within and around us without jumping to conclusions
    • Orient to agreements as behavioral anchoring in support of your commitments
  8. Navigating Uncertainty

    Navigating Uncertainty

    The Power of Present-Centered Decision-Making

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 5 minutes · 1/8/2024

    In uncertain times, when facing important life decisions, it's common to get caught up in imagining various scenarios and potential outcomes. The desire to predict and control the future often gives a false sense of security. The key is to make decisions based on the information available now, minimizing the number of irreversible choices. This approach maintains focus on what is known and prevents getting lost in the unknown. Rigor is essential, especially when familiar pathways don't align with desired values. In times of high stakes and uncertainty, such as dealing with a health crisis, the challenge is to resist the urge to speculate on countless possibilities and instead concentrate on the facts at hand. Miki Kashtan shares how staying in the present and acting on what is currently known provided a practical and grounded approach which allowed her to stay present throughout her sister's, Inbal Kashtan, journey with cancer.

  9. Roxy Manning emphasizes positive relationships in parenting, highlighting acceptance, understanding, and compromise. She stresses the importance of being aware of one's needs, attuning to the other person's needs, fostering trust, and encouraging open communication, especially with children. The approach involves a balance between meeting both sets of needs for a healthier dynamic.

  10. Defusing Self-Sabotage

    Defusing Self-Sabotage

    Identifying and Transforming Unconscious Contracts With Empathy (6 session course)

    Sarah Peyton

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 8 hours · 6/9/2024

    In this 6-session course Sarah Peyton will take you through the 5 levels of unconscious contracts that can create patterns of self-sabotage and self-defeat. Each session introduces a different unconscious contract based on various aspects of relational neuroscience and provides support for the release of these contracts. 

    Sarah Peyton shows you how, with deep empathy, self-accompaniment, and an understanding of neuroscience, you can free yourself from your original constraints. 

    It can be bewildering to be human.

    We can make so many choices that are not good for us. Why do we persist in habits, incapacities or self-judgments that are harmful to our long-term well-being? 

    The answer to this question is surprising – it is usually either love – or - paradoxically, survival!

    Love is at the root of self-sabotage.

    Though we often aren't aware of it, our nervous systems are essentially still paired with our earliest caregivers and often related to how we responded as a child. Our first interactions shape us in ways that can limit our life energy.

  11. Living Compassion

    Living Compassion

    Iris Bawidamann

    Live Zoom Course · ·

    • Gain a deeper insight into the spiritual practice of NVC as taught by Robert Gonzales
    • Enhance your emotional intelligence and self-compassion
    • Learn compassionate self-talk techniques and cultivate more inner peace
    • Approach change with a peaceful mindset, rather than anxiety and fear
  12. NVC Conference

    NVC Conference

    19 Trainers

    Live Zoom Course · ·

    • Uncover the expansive possibilities of Nonviolent Communication in growing compassion for a more empathic world
    • Engage with 19 global trainers on 18+ unique topics
    • Connect with an international audience from novices to experts
    • Immerse yourself in a festival of learning, fun, and community
  13.  beginnerspathway stamp blue
    • “Unlearn” what gets in the way of your birthright to genuinely live relationally
    • Discover the power your words have to change the course of your relationships
    • Change your view of conflict from being a problem to being a beautiful invitation
    • Learn how to apply the NVC process to a variety of situations
  14. When a relationship has both differentiation and bonding you can express differences and unmet needs, and responsibly do your own thing without it being a threat to the bond with another. You honor each others choices. There's trust rather than a sense of resentful obligation. Needs-based negotiation is easier. See if you tend to emphasize only differentiation or bonding in your relationships. Imagine how to support the opposite.

  15. Awareness of how we're holding our own and others' needs is important to our development. In learning to value needs, we often go through three stages: passive, aggressive/obnoxious, and assertive/mutual. As we learn and grow, we may relate to the following differently: Whose feelings and needs are important, who is responsible for what, how our choices impact others, and consideration for ourselves and others.

  16. Working with Resistance

    Working with Resistance

    Martha Lasley

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 9/30/2019

    With coaching or counselling clients, their resistance can show up as “bracing against” something. But if we push back against their resistance, we miss noticing what they're protecting or embracing. By going into resistance clients build awareness and often shift when they get clear about their underlying needs, and new choices. Some clients don’t shift even after we’ve tried everything. In that case, read on to learn about Frank Farrelly's "provocative therapy".

  17. Equanimity and the Holidays

    Equanimity and the Holidays

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 2 - 3 minutes · 12/2/2019

    If you're unpleasantly triggered during the holidays you may find yourself responding in ways you don't like. Start by acknowledging how affected you are to bring in more curiosity, mindfulness and eventually, authentic and discerning choices.

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