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Kathleen Macferran

Certified Trainer and Assessor for the Center for Nonviolent Communication
Owner Strength of Connection in Seattle, WA
MMus in Conducting, Western Washington University; BA, Whitworth University

Kathleen holds a vision for a peaceful, just and sustainable world. She is committed to co-creating a world where peace replaces violence, love replaces hate, equity replaces inequity, and all people live meaningful lives. She has worked as a Certified Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 2003, and as a CNVC Assessor since 2010 when she co-created a community-based path to certification.  Community system building and conflict transformation are passions of hers. 

Kathleen has worked internationally with individuals, community groups, businesses, schools, colleges, faith-based communities, hospitals, families, prison inmates, and correctional and law enforcement employees. She serves as a trainer for the Freedom Project of Seattle, WA, an organization that supports healing connection and restorative communities both inside and outside prison through the strategies of Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness, racial equity and anti-oppression. 

Kathleen offers trainings, facilitation, system building and mediation using practical skills that lead to reconciliation with ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. For over 30 years Kathleen has explored ways to restore harmony to communities including two decades as a music conductor and leader of a nonprofit organization, and seven years as a public school teacher. 

Kathleen is co-author with Jared Finkelstein of Choice: A Field Guide for Navigating the Polarization of Our World and Living Interdependently. She is the author of the children's books How Giraffes Found Their Hearts and How Giraffes Got Their Ears, and conductor for Giraffe Tales a children'ss CD setting those stories to music. Kathleen is the conductor on multiple Rainier Chamber Winds classical music recordings. Her website is where her two TEDx talks can be found.

Library resources with Kathleen Macferran

Navigating Self-Judgment

Kathleen Macferran

Inspired by Marshall Rosenberg's teachings, Kathleen Macferran's self-empathy exercise offers a transformative approach for those challenging moments when you fall short of your own expectations.

How To Deal With Ourselves When We Are Less Than Perfect

Kathleen Macferran

How we treat ourselves when we fall short of our own ideals, desires and hopes can profoundly affect the quality of our lives. Learn how to identify your triggers and reactions, to mourn falling short, and to practice self-connection and self-empathy. 


Embracing Empathy

Kathleen Macferran

This telecourse recording is for anyone wanting to integrate empathy into his/her life in a more natural, authentic way.


What Would Be Possible If I Loved Myself?

Kathleen Macferran

Join Kathleen for a gentle, compassionate exploration and embracing of your true self. Reclaim your self-worth, experience greater freedom when expressing your self and actually celebrate who you are in the world.  Delve into what self-love is and is not – including how to distinguish self-worth from negative cultural labels such as self-obsession and selfishness.


Integrating NVC

Kathleen Macferran

Does NVC seem like a good idea, but not practical? Do you feel frustrated when you find yourself in the same jackal scenario repeatedly? Let beloved trainer Kathleen Macferran guide you toward integrating NVC into all aspects of your life.


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