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Wednesdays, August 9-30, 2023 (four sessions)
9:00-11:00am Pacific (California) Time
Popular descriptions of chaos theory say that a butterfly fluttering in a meadow in Perth may set off a storm in New York.
Many parents feel that their parenting is as unpredictable as that butterfly's effect.
Everywhere you turn, there are contrasting exhortations on what you should do to be "good parents." How is a person to wade through the myriad suggestions and figure out what truly works for them and their child?
How do you parent to increase the chances that the ripple effect of your present decisions shape a future full of possibility, joy, and purpose for your children and for the planet they will inherit?
In this series, we will identify what is important to each of us as parents and what values we hope our children will embrace.
Grounded in an appreciation of what we value, we will explore:
Registration Fee: $213
NVC Library members: $171
Enter coupon code NVCL at time of checkout.
The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
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Note that course recordings display images of active speakers only, and are made available to all registrants.
The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: