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Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged:
Video • 2 minutes • 07/24/2018
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan shares a tip on holding a group's needs while empathizing with a single person in the group.
Video • 1 hour, 36 minutes • 05/30/2018
Ever wondered how to balance everyone’s needs when leading a NVC group? In the first part of the video, Mary shares tips how to balance the facilitator's, the individuals members' and the group's needs. In the second part, Mary talks about transparency as a facilitator - what does it mean, what does it look like and how to be transparent in a way that is supportive for the group.
Video • 3 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan clarifies the distinction between empathy and sympathy.
Video • 4 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan guides a participant to find his inner empathic presence.
Video • 8 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan offers 3 steps we can take to access and express our deepest authentic expression.
Video • 6 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how naturalizing NVC language involves self care and begins with accepting what is true in the moment.
Video • 2 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains has developed a path to teaching NVC without relying on OFNR: Principle-based Teaching.
Video • 4 minutes • 03/16/2018
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how NVC's OFNR process is a tool to train our consciousness, rather than the "correct" way to speak.
Video • 5 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan discusses how focusing on connection and care can guide us in expressing honestly and offering empathy.
What do you experience when you give up on needs that are important to you, and are coerced into doing something you didn’t want to do? And why is it hard to make requests? Listen in and learn more.
Video • 1 hour, 17 minutes • 12/18/2017
It’s one thing to share NVC with those who’re interested, but what about those who aren’t? How does meeting someone where they are create space for learning, and help you find a pathway forward? Miki Answers this and more.
Video • 1 hour, 8 minutes • 12/01/2017
Learn about the three stages of transition, and how staying connected to needs can help you remain oriented and grounded even through the most challenging transitions.
Video • 54 minutes • 11/12/2016
Jim and Jori’s Zero Step helps you focus your attention on your intention to connect, and then affirms your intention to live in the present. Listen in as they demonstrate the process — and learn about the benefits of using and cultivating it!
Video • 1 hour, 10 minutes • 09/01/2017
Listen in as Dian shares her vision for spreading NVC through the world, and engages with participants in sharing their visions, and the areas in which they are seeking support. This session stresses the value of visioning work.
Video • 6 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how using OFNR or "Classic NVC" is for practice, not real life situations.
Video • 1 hour 18 minutes • 04/30/2017
Jeff Brown moderates a fishbowl discussion discussing why it's uncomfortable for them to talk about privilege… what they're doing to be aware of / combat racism… and the role of empathy and NVC around privilege.
Video • 1 hour, 10 minutes • 02/27/2017
In October 2016, CNVC Certified Trainer Gitta Zimmerman held her 5th international workshop for people working with street children in Ruhpolding, Germany. This time most of the participants were already experienced, and we were merging more and more into a family. The workshop focus was on “mediation” and “entrepreneurship.
Video • 2 minutes • 03/26/2017
Unappreciated, Judged, Disrespected, Offended, Manipulated ... people use these words to describe feelings but these are all words that describe interpretations instead. They're also words that get people's backs up. Talk about unproductive! The solution? Develop a vocabulary of feelings so you can minimize defensiveness in others and facilitate connection.
Video • 2 minutes • 06/07/2011
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan shares how Marshall Rosenberg helped her see how unacknowledged fear can be misinterpreted as aggression and offers an elegant and simple strategy for changing this dynamic.
Video • 7 minutes • 04/08/2017
This resource is free for all to enjoy during May. Sarah Peyton explains how your brain's left hemisphere excels at pattern making. NVC can help integrate both hemispheres, enabling you to use the left side's love of patterns for abstract thinking.
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: