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"Focus on bringing peace into your own life, and your shift in consciousness will reverberate throught the world."
— Mary Mackenzie
NVC Academy Co-Founder and CEO Mary Mackenzie shares her thoughts monthly in our Growing Roots newsletter. Read and enjoy Mary's current and past blog posts from her deep experience as a CNVC Certified Trainer for more than 20 years.
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 01/02/2025
Dear friends,
I greatly enjoyed my annual New Year’s Peace Meditation yesterday. It always brings together NVC enthusiasts from across the world and is one of my favorite traditions for welcoming the New Year!How was 2024 for you? For me, it was a bumpy ride. There were moments of joy spending time with our 3-year-old grandson, mine and Kim’s first international trip together (a bonafide vacation that was void of work), and precious time with family and friends. There was also heartbreak...
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 11/29/2024
Dear friends,
This has been on my mind lately. What does it mean to unlock my authentic voice? How do I talk about things that matter to me without creating emotional distance between myself and others? I’ve found this especially challenging after the US presidential election this month— half the voters are devastated by Donald Trump’s election, and the other half are elated. The extremes are vast. Sometimes imagining a coming-together feels hopeless.
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 10/28/2024
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 7/24/2024
We’re in the throws of a particularly worrisome presidential election in the USA. Combined with world affairs and the global warming of our earth, we are seeing a level of despair higher than I ever remember experiencing.
As a result, the level of blaming others, judgments, dis-ease, and lack of trust that I experience or hear about every day is at an all-time high. I think there’s so much fear that we’ve begun lashing out at others, and rage is either visible or ever lurking.
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 4/1/2024
I’ve been part of a fitness group here in California for the past 1.5 years. It’s called Boot Camp, and I have no idea why! Anyway, most people in the class are 25-30 years younger than I am and have been part of this group for several years. I don’t lift weights as heavy as theirs and I can’t always keep up with them, but I had felt confident that I was holding my own (except when jogging, which is the one place where I consistently lag far behind them). I found a way to be okay with this, to enjoy working out with them, without thinking I should be as strong or skilled as they are.
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 minutes • 5/27/2024
Welcome to June. It’s the beginning of summer in my area of the world and I usually find myself moving at a slower pace; spending more time outdoors and with friends, more time reading and gardening. I really enjoy the beginning of summer especially because the sun brings just enough heat to feel good, but not so hot to be uncomfortable.
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 4/1/2024
First, on the personal side… I’ve already planted half of my vegetable garden and it was so completely enjoyable. Remember how challenging this was for me a couple of years ago? My inner jackal did have a few things to say this year, but not nearly as many as in past years. And, I gave her loads of empathy so we made it through. I am thrilled about this. I can’t wait to see my seedlings pop up! If it’s a successful garden, I’ll share pictures in a future letter.
Peaceful Living Blog • 5 minutes • 2/27/2024
Peaceful Living Blog • 5 minutes • 1/29/2024
Peaceful Living Blog • 3 Minutes • 12/29/2023
It is the first day of 2024 and I am filled with gratitude and awe. Yesterday, I celebrated my 9th year of hosting my annual New Year’s Peace Meditation. We had over 800 people register from many, many different countries and the meditation was interpreted into 4 different languages. It was incredibly moving, connecting, and hopeful for me!
Peaceful Living Blog • 3 Minutes • 12/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 11/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 3 Minutes • 10/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 9/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 8/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 7/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 6/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 5/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 4/1/2023
Peaceful Living Blog • 2 Minutes • 3/1/2023
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: