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"Focus on bringing peace into your own life, and your shift in consciousness will reverberate throught the world."
— Mary Mackenzie
NVC Academy Co-Founder and CEO Mary Mackenzie shares her thoughts monthly in our Growing Roots newsletter. Read and enjoy Mary's current and past blog posts from her deep experience as a CNVC Certified Trainer for more than 20 years.
Dear friends,
It’s quickly moving into Fall here in the northern part of the world. The leaves are turning, there’s a crispness to the air especially in the morning and evenings, and there’s a certain earthy scent that emanates from the park across the street from our house. The coolness means that I get to wear flannel shirts, cozy pants, and fluffy socks! All of these things scream NURTURING to me.
Each year, the Fall season asks me to hunker down, stay close to home, sleep longer at night, and clear out the clutter in my house. I get to walk the neighborhoods, enjoy the holiday lights, and prepare myself for the New Year. In other words, time for more nurturing, quiet, and introspection.
As a person who leans toward introversion, I absolutely love this time of year!
So, with nurturing as my theme for the next two months, I woke up the other morning full of vim and vigor, looking for opportunities to meet my need for nurturing.
Then, I heard a news clip about the upcoming presidential election here in the USA (in 3 days to be exact), and my oomph sagged. Then, I heard about the conflicts in the Middle East, Hurricanes and other major storms in a few other countries, the situation in Sudan, and, and, and… my energy sagged even more.
Is it okay for me to enjoy the experience of my need for nurturing being met, despite all the pain and angst in the world?
Is it possible for me to hold all my feelings of tenderness, angst, and despair simultaneously with the relief and joy from nurturing myself?
My answer came quickly: Forget “is it possible” and go right to, “I need to.” I need to hold it all. If I don’t experience relief and joy I fear I won’t be able to function. And, if I can’t function, I won’t be available to myself, the people I love, my community, and all the places with which I have influence.
My individual life is my gift to the world and how I live it matters. I matter. My loved ones matter. You matter. All people of the world matter.
So, I’m setting out these last two months of 2024 focused on bringing more opportunities to embody nurturing, while also being present to my many feelings of despair. It’s not about feeling “good,” it’s about being fully alive and true to self and others.
I hope you’ll join me in this and look for opportunities to bring more nurturance into your life.
In peace,
CEO, NVC Academy
CNVC Certified Trainer
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: