Peaceful Living Blog

with Mary Mackenzie

"Focus on bringing peace into your own life, and your shift in consciousness will reverberate throught the world."
— Mary Mackenzie

NVC Academy Co-Founder and CEO Mary Mackenzie shares her thoughts monthly in our Growing Roots newsletter. Read and enjoy Mary's current and past blog posts from her deep experience as a CNVC Certified Trainer for more than 20 years.

Choosing Inner Quiet

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Dear friends,

Brrrr. Is it winter where you live?

When I lived in Flagstaff, Arizona, we had 100 inches of snow on average in the winter months. Believe it or not, I loved shoveling snow because of its physicality and the opportunity to be outside with all my neighbors – and the feeling of simple satisfaction from seeing how my labor made it easier for me and my mail carrier to navigate.

The quiet that snow brings is perhaps what I love most about it. It seems like the entire world has become quiet except for the rumble of snow plows clearing the roads.

I think this is what our world needs right now: a kind of inner quiet. Time to be with our families and neighbors, and remember that we are all doing our best to deal with our situation. Simplicity, forgiveness, and love.

MountainsTaken in 2018 at my women’s retreat near Bryce Canyon, Arizona, USA.I have finalized my mantra for 2025 and it is: I’m in Divine Flow. It’s similar to some past mantras and acknowledges the depth of transitions I anticipate coming in my own life and the world this year. These changes can sometimes feel ominous and scary until I remember that I’m in Divine Flow. 

So, this month, my practice is all about nurturing inner quiet, simplicity, forgiveness, and love. And, to continually remind myself that my contributions toward living and creating peace are valuable. In the big scope of things, it may seem like a small drop in the bucket, but they are not to be discounted because a full bucket of water is, in fact, made up of thousands of droplets. 

Does that appeal to you, too? Does your spirit resonate with the thought of wrapping yourself up in inner quiet, simplicity, forgiveness, and love during the coming year? If so, maybe one of the NVC Academy’s live courses could support you along the way.

Whatever methods you choose, I wish you warmth and love, 

CEO, NVC Academy
CNVC Certified Trainer