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Center for Nonviolent Communication

The NVC Academy is happy to be in partnership with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. CNVC is an international nonprofit peacemaking organization that was founded in 1984 by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of Nonviolent Communication.

CNVC has been helping people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, institutional, and political settings for more than 40 years by promoting and sharing Nonviolent Communication, “The Language of Life.” CNVC aims to steward the integrity of the NVC process and serve as a nexus point of NVC-related information worldwide.

CNVC’s mission is deeply aligned with the NVC Academy’s purpose of contributing to a world of interdependence and nonviolence, and we are happy to collaborate with their organization. For example, throughout our history, most of our courses have been led by people who were certified as trainers by CNVC. While the NVC Academy provides an online platform for Certified Trainers to share Nonviolent Communication, CNVC operates the Certification Program.

CNVC 2024 IIT South Korea mediation

The Center for Nonviolent Communication envisions a world where:

  • Everyone's needs matter and are supported through compassionate giving;
  • People attend to conflicts peacefully through dialogue and creative problem solving;
  • Every individual embraces self-compassion and self-acceptance;
  • Our institutions in education, health care, banking, politics, and commerce are meeting the needs of the people impacted by them;
  • We are contributing to the well being of others as a way of honoring one of the most important human needs: contribution.

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CNVC’s offerings

🏳️ CNVC’s flagship programs are 9-day International Intensive Trainings (IITs) in Nonviolent Communication, which are in-person experiential learning experiences averaging 50 to 80 people who learn, practice, and apply Nonviolent Communication in a community setting. CNVC has hosted more than 250 IITs since they were established by our founder, Dr. Rosenberg, and have served over 13 thousand people.

In addition, CNVC provides the following:

  1. 🎓 A Trainer Certification Program that is comparable to an independent study master’s degree program, this rigorous certification process protects the integrity of Nonviolent Communication and equips nearly one thousand people in 50 countries to share NVC as an official representative of our organization.
  2. 🤝 Membership. Officially affiliate yourself with CNVC as a Supporting Member to gain access to our ‘Global Home’ online community platform where you can connect, learn and collaborate with other NVC enthusiasts. Also, get discounts on intensive trainings and give input into our organization’s future.
  3. 🛒 An Online Store that features books, learning tools, audio and video, and games in 15 languages that help people integrate Nonviolent Communication into their lives.
  4. 🥼 A collection of research that has been conducted about Nonviolent Communication that shows its effectiveness when it is applied in various settings.

To learn more about our partner organization, the Center for Nonviolent Communication, please visit their website.