Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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MP4 Video Download

4 Sessions, 4 - 5 hours

Recorded in 2023

  • Learn tips and strategies to ensure ALL voices are heard
  • Grow your capacity to name and address power dynamics
  • See how prior assumptions and perspectives impact how groups work together
  • Explore facilitation components using a caring for all, power-with lens

MP4 Video Download

8 Sessions, 8-10 hours

Recorded in 2020

  • Learn how to cultivate a consciousness of compassion
  • Embark on a journey of compassion-based self-discovery
  • Become more alive and present with yourself and others
  • Liberate yourself by meeting your fears and distress with an open heart

MP4 Video Download

5 Parts, 5-6 hours

Recorded in 2006-2007

  • Explore the spiritual foundations of NVC
  • Witness transformational and healing processes led by Robert Gonzales
  • Learn from the questions proposed by participants
  • Gain processes that support a consciousness of the “Beauty of Needs”

MP4 Video Download

5 Sessions, 13-14 hours

Recorded in 2021

  • Learn how to use empathy to dissolve conflict
  • Deepen your NVC skills to help let go of judgments
  • Explore approaches for asking for what you want
  • Listen to the conflict within yourself

MP4 Video Download

5 Sessions

Recorded in 2021

  • Find your voice in response to words you hear as racist
  • Build bridges across significant differences of opinion
  • Become a powerful ally for the racial justice movement