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  1. Don't Take It Personally

    Don't Take It Personally

    Rachelle Lamb

    Articles · 10 - 15 minutes · 12/17/2018

    When we don't like what someone is saying to us, sometimes people encourage us to hear their needs, and "not take it personally" -- and we're inclined to agree.  Could "not taking it personally" close our hearts and awareness to others, life and ourselves?  Rachelle Lamb invites us to take a closer look at what it's like when we attend to the situation from our hearts, and skillfully reflect upon our actions with tenderness.

  2. Tips for the Road Series Tip 1

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 1

    Ask Before Offering Advice or Suggestions

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/13/2014

    Do you ever think you have the perfect answer for someone who is struggling? Eric offers a tip on how to approach situations like this.

  3. Tips for the Road Series Tip 4

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 4

    Invite People to Say No

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/12/2016

    When asking for support from another, you are most likely to enjoy receiving that support when the person giving support is giving from the heart—from a place of joy or delight. Inviting them to say "no" is a way of encouraging an authentic response, a response you can trust more fully.

  4. Tips for the Road Series Tip 5

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 5

    Separate Needs from Outcomes and Strategies

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/21/2016

    Eric Bowers explains how needs and strategies correlate to different brain hemispheres, and how relaxing into our needs opens us to greater possibilities.

  5. Tips for the Road Series Tip 6

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 6

    Ask to Understand

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/23/2017

    Who does not want to be understood? In Tip #6, Eric shows you how to deepen connection and trust by checking your understanding with the person you are conversing with.

  6. Tips for the Road Series Tip 8

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 8

    Practice Self-Empathy with Your Whole Body

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 4/23/2017

    In our fast-paced, busy lives it is tempting to practice NVC mostly with the left hemisphere of the brain, thinking through the steps quickly without slowing down to connect more deeply with feelings and needs.  Don't miss an opportunity to integrate the hemispheres of the brain and the valuable information from the neural networks in the heart and gut.

  7. Tips for the Road Series Tip 11

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 11

    Catching Hearts

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/17/2017

    When we take a leap in life and put our hearts out into the world in new or bigger ways—sharing a song, dance, or poem, writing a book, competing at a sporting event, giving a speech, and so on—there is greater potential for aliveness but also for shame and pain

  8. The Heart and Science of Empathy

    The Heart and Science of Empathy

    (5 Session Course)

    Eric Bowers

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 3/8/2020

    Join CNVC Certified Trainer Eric Bowers in journeying through the world of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) as he expands on the theories and tools from his book Meet Me In Hard-to-Love Places: The Heart and Science of Relationship Success. You'll discover why IPNB and NVC complement each other so well, especially in the powerful practice of Somatic-Based Resonant Empathy.

  9. Rooms in the Same House – Interweaving NVC and Buddhism

    Rooms in the Same House – Interweaving NVC and Buddhism

    (6 Session Course)

    Roberta Wall, Barbara Bash

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 3/31/2021

    Find renewed aliveness and connection in your daily life through NVC and Buddhist Mindfulness practices.

    In this 6 session course with Roberta Wall and Barbara Bash, you will explore how NVC helps bring to life Buddhist principles and values in relationship to yourself and others. And, you will discover how Buddhist practice deepens and supports your capacity to learn and live NVC in your daily life.

  10. Getting Your Needs Met

    Getting Your Needs Met

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/6/2021

    We can ask for what we want but if we repeatedly don’t get it from one source, it's our responsibility to find a new way to get it. We don’t honor our relationships when we insist that people who are unavailable or unwilling to support us meet our needs. Read on for related a parable about a woman persistently asking to get milk from a hardware store.

  11. The Three Stages of Transition

    The Three Stages of Transition

    Kathleen Macferran, Mary Mackenzie

    Video · 1 hour, 8 minutes · 12/01/2017

    Learn about the three stages of transition, and how staying connected to needs can help you remain oriented and grounded even through the most challenging transitions.

  12. How To Stop Arguing

    How To Stop Arguing

    Oren Jay Sofer

    Articles · 9 - 13 minutes · 9/27/2021

    Transform arguments with these steps: take responsibility for your mind, increase your capacity for discomfort, slow down, show up and remember your values, offer understanding, take risks, and speak from your heart. Learning new skills takes time, energy and effort. However, it’s entirely possible to radically shift the way we communicate. The key is patience, persistence, and taking it one step at a time.

  13. Keys To Building Trust After Broken Agreements

    Keys To Building Trust After Broken Agreements

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 3 - 5 minutes · 1/1/2022

    Building trust involves each person taking responsibility for what they want by identifying their needs, and making specific and doable requests that open a negotiation. Identify in what contexts you already have trust, what you want to be able to trust, and how you may be blocking or cultivating that trust. Making requests for specific actions of what to do differently can also help.

  14. Because we affect one another it can be hard to know where to take responsibility and where to leave it with the other person. This means we need self empathy, and presence for another's struggles without compulsion to "make them happy" or bring them healthy change. You can then attend to the needs and to your choice about if and how you want to contribute with compassion. Respect them as autonomously in charge of their unique process of change. With this, you honor your life and theirs. And where, what, and how you will invest your precious life energy.

  15. Interdependence vs. Dependence/Independence

    Interdependence vs. Dependence/Independence

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/15/2021

    Trainer tip: NVC consciousness recognizes interdependence. In this process each person is autonomous; everyone's needs matter; people have choice and responsibility for their actions; there's abundance, and a valuing of coming together. The dependence / independence paradigm assumes we either need someone else to be whole -- or we don’t need others at all. Commit to living autonomously. Notice where you struggle with this.

  16. The Three Stages of Emotional Liberation

    The Three Stages of Emotional Liberation

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/29/2020

    Trainer tip: Read on for the three stages of emotional maturity. In the third stage, we integrate the first two stages. We come to realize that everyone is responsible for their own feelings, but we also recognize our role if we do something that stimulates pain in another person. We also start to value the needs of everyone, rather than just one party's needs over the other.

  17. Stages of Emotional Maturity

    Stages of Emotional Maturity

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/24/2023

    Trainer Tip: Here are four Stages of Emotional Maturity, also known as Stages of Emotional Liberation. Be aware of what stage of emotional maturity you are in today. And, celebrate it.

  18. Understanding And Recognizing Enmeshment

    Understanding And Recognizing Enmeshment

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 4 - 6 minutes · 5/1/2022

    Enmeshment refers to confusion about who is responsible for what. This lack of clear boundaries results in attempts to manage the other person's experience as a substitute for managing your own. When you think you're contributing to another person, but you're actually acting from enmeshment, there's inner tension and contraction. Read on for 16 common signs of enmeshment so that you can know when to pause and connect to your needs.

  19. Defusing Anger

    Defusing Anger

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/25/2018

    Trainer Tip: Many of us are afraid of our anger because we haven’t learned how to express it in a way that brings relief or that helps us meet our needs in the situation. Consider a different approach to anger, one that helps you fully express your anger and is more likely to help you meet your needs for relief, to be heard, or to be understood.

  20. Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 8 - 12 minutes · 1/26/2024

    When deciding if someone crossed your boundaries and how to respond, you may get conflicting opinions on it. These opinions can be coarse attempts to manage life with rules about what should(n’t) happen. Instead, so that you can find where you want to invest your energy, ask yourself questions that reveal what for you is truly in integrity, nourishing, connects to your heart, and deepens self understanding. Read on for examples.

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