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NVC Resources on Values

  1. The Vortex of Submission

    The Vortex of Submission

    (9 Session Course)

    Jim & Jori Manske

    Multi-session Course · 9 hours, 55 minutes · 6/23/2017

    Join CNVC Certified Trainers Jori and Jim Manske in an exploration of how gratitude can enable you to remain more present moment to moment, thus enabling you to flourish in your life!

  2. Fearless Loving and Living

    Fearless Loving and Living

    (4 Session Course)

    Kelly Bryson

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 7/28/2010

    Kelly Bryson, veteran and loved CNVC Certified Trainer, brings decades of experience to help you jumpstart your Mastery of Fear by using his unusual blend of experiential exercises, humor, empathy, original songs and stories, transformational truth telling, creativity and FRED (Frequency Resonation Energy Dynamics).
  3. Transforming Power Relations

    Transforming Power Relations

    The Invisible Revolution

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 15 - 20 minutes · 12/28/2014

    Miki explains how teachers and administrators can become more effective in relating to themselves, other faculty and staff, and they can contribute more to students' ability to feel connected and energized. Nonviolent Communication provides specific tools to empower ourselves and others to live more in line with our values and deeper needs.

  4. Tips for the Road Series Tip 12

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 12

    Connect to the Living Energy of Your Needs

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 10/1/2017

    For many, the word “need” is associated with lack, neediness, and scarcity. These associations are the opposite of the meaning of needs in Nonviolent Communication (NVC). In NVC, needs are the motivational energy of our innate wholeness and desire to grow, like the energy of a plant pushing it up through the soil and toward the sun.

  5. Defusing Anger

    Defusing Anger

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/25/2018

    Trainer Tip: Many of us are afraid of our anger because we haven’t learned how to express it in a way that brings relief or that helps us meet our needs in the situation. Consider a different approach to anger, one that helps you fully express your anger and is more likely to help you meet your needs for relief, to be heard, or to be understood.

  6. Forgiving Ourselves

    Forgiving Ourselves

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/2/2018

    Trainer Tip: Every single time you say or do something, even when you experience pain or regret, you are trying to meet a need. Forgiveness begins when we acknowledge the needs we were trying to meet in the situation.

  7. Mediating Conflicts

    Mediating Conflicts

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/28/2019

    Trainer Tip: When there's conflict if you set the intention to connect and build trust first, you're more likely to move towards resolution. This can be built through offering reflections that captures essence of what's important to each party. Once connection and trust is established, then begin the process of creating strategies and solutions.

  8. Empathy, a Potent Healer

    Empathy, a Potent Healer

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 6/13/2020

    Trainer tip: Empathy, hearing feelings and needs behind someone’s words, can be incredibly healing -- and it can help us come to better understanding and resolution. Empathize with at least on person today. Read on for an example of applied empathy.

  9. Interdependence vs. Dependence/Independence

    Interdependence vs. Dependence/Independence

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/15/2021

    Trainer tip: NVC consciousness recognizes interdependence. In this process each person is autonomous; everyone's needs matter; people have choice and responsibility for their actions; there's abundance, and a valuing of coming together. The dependence / independence paradigm assumes we either need someone else to be whole -- or we don’t need others at all. Commit to living autonomously. Notice where you struggle with this.

  10. Keeping The Focus On Ourselves

    Keeping The Focus On Ourselves

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 11/8/2021

    Trainer Tip: Next time you prepare for a challenging conversation, solidly connect with your own feelings and needs before entering into meeting. Then attend the meeting open to creating results that work for everyone. This is likely to give increase chances that the conversation will come to a mutually satisfying conclusion.

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