Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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  • Learn your body’s “language” and how to listen deeply to it
  • Expand your NVC toolbox with emergency self-empathy tips
  • Explore drawing on your senses to get past what is blocking you
  • Discover and practice that “missing step” in the NVC process

MP4 Video Download

1 Session, 2 hours

Recorded in 2021

  • Learn the complexities of intersectionality 
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the affects of differing life experiences
  • Clear the way for a more authentic connection
  • Deepen your ability to hold others in compassion

MP4 Video Download

4 Sessions

Recorded in 2021

  • Discover what triggers shame in you, and how to transform it
  • Learn to navigate a shame attack and make good use of it
  • Expand your capacity for recognizing when others are experiencing shame
  • Connect with others who get trapped in shame avoidance patterns
  • Allow your vulnerability to bloom by disentangling shame from fear

MP4 Video Download

3 Sessions

Recorded in 2019

  • Inquire into your celebrations and mournings in four important categories of your life – body, heart, mind, and spirit – and "take stock" of how satisfied you are in these areas
  • Assess your current and past relationships to life, with an eye to leaning into intention setting for the next short (30 days) and midterm (6 months to 1 year) periods of time
  • Give and capture empathy for your future self, the self that revisits your intentions in 30, 180, and 360 days (this provides companionship for your future self)
  • Understand the essential relationship between personal healing and social change — and how to communicate it to others.
  • Increase your compassion capacity for different ways of being in the world.
  • Get clarity about the difference between equity and equality — and how to generate equitable processes in your communities and networks.
  • Obtain tools to explore the various factors that contribute to your understanding of power and privilege — including your own.