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Live NVC Courses: Eddie Zacapa

With: Eddie Zacapa


5 - 7 minutes

By guessing our child's feelings and needs we open the door to understanding what's behind their behavior, and can better suggest solutions that meet both their and our own needs. In this way we build trust and their desire to seek us out in times of need. Expressing our own feelings and needs also allows us to help them understand the value in fulfilling tasks or requests.

  • Celebrate and nurture your relationship to the Earth — and each other! 
  • Explore your connections to family, partner, work, nature, self and more 
  • Discover new ways to grow in community and work together to make this world a better place  
  • Engage and immerse yourself in NVC while making new friends! 
With: Eddie Zacapa

Learning Tool

1-2 minutes

In Nonviolent Communication "power over" refers to the use of power to dominate or control others. It is a form of violence or force, whether physical, emotional, psychological or otherwise. This learning tool has six lists, each containing different types of power over strategies: physical, sexual, intimidation, economic, emotional, isolation.


This trainer tip suggests ways to transform blame in to personal power. He suggests having multiple sources of support and multiple pathways to achieving the outcome you want, to allow more room to hear a "no". Read on for more.

With: Eddie Zacapa

Trainer Tip

1 -2 minutes

When an entity or system has authority or power and mandates something we don't agree with we may submit or to rebel. If we submit, we give in or give up, often out of fear. If we rebel, we're in reactivity which may not help our cause, and reduce our power. This may result in others' resentment, anger, and pain. Gandhi and Martin Luther King didn't submit nor rebel. Instead, they were in choice and advocated for their cause.