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Do you ever feel worried or uncomfortable about conversations around domination and power, or feel afraid of saying the wrong thing? Are you a trainer, facilitator, teacher, or a leader who wants tools for inviting greater diversity and inclusion in your work? Listen to Roxy and Martha’s richly transformative course recording and learn how to: 1) cultivate behaviors that foster inclusion and partner-based relationships; 2) develop ease when connecting across differences; 3) expand your capacity for recognizing micro-aggressions, fragility, historical patterns — and so much more.
- Strengthen embodied awareness
- Integrate inner and outer worlds to create a connecting "corridor"
- Identify projected images that prevent connecting
- Embrace fear and transform reactivity
- Create a support network where you can express and be heard
- Access, follow and train your intuition: how to know without knowing;
- Navigate difficult situations with care for all through an active awareness of your own power, as well as other sources of power in the room;
- Remain aware of who speaks and who doesn’t, of those whose pain is invisible – and what you can do about it;
- Walk towards someone presenting a challenge to a group you are facilitating, while continuing to hold care for the entire group, and more.
- Learn tips and strategies to ensure ALL voices are heard
- Grow your capacity to name and address power dynamics
- See how prior assumptions and perspectives impact how groups work together
- Explore facilitation components using a caring for all, power-with lens
The American mythos of Independence Day is that liberty, equality, and opportunity are for all. Yet since the country's formation, these needs have been for some at the expense of others. It started with the brutal robbery and genocide of Native Americans and slavery of Africans. And this theme continued for generations in various forms, including how we related to other peoples, countries, and the ecosphere. To achieve true justice, liberty, and opportunity for all we may need to overcome the ego's sense of separation. Compassionate noncooperation may also be key.
- Learn tips and strategies to ensure ALL voices are heard
- Grow your capacity to name and address power dynamics
- See how prior assumptions and perspectives impact how groups work together
- Explore facilitation components using a caring for all, power-with lens
- Uncover the expansive possibilities of Nonviolent Communication in growing compassion for a more empathic world
- Engage with 19 global trainers on 18+ unique topics
- Connect with an international audience from novices to experts
- Immerse yourself in a festival of learning, fun, and community
In pandemic we can notice where we seek security. For some, financial systems that seemed to offer security have suddenly become unpredictable. For others, living without such privilege, resources are even more difficult to access. And we become more vulnerable to illness and death. These changes can trigger fear, but also motivate choices that contribute to a sense of security. Read on for more.