Equitable Facilitation: Supporting Equity through Leadership

Equitable Facilitation

Supporting Equity through Leadership

Roxy Manning

MP4 Video Download

Updated with captions and searchable transcript!

4 Sessions, 4 hours 30 minutes plus handouts

Recorded in 2023

Price: $79


Added 3/22/2024


To get stuff done, groups need to come together.

What happens when the group is composed of individuals who share the same mission, but who vary widely in their life experiences?

So many times, those groups start out with a clear sense of thewhat’  that is bringing them together, but fall apart as they try to navigate the how’ of being together. 

There are various ways in which prior assumptions and individual perspectives impact how a group works together. Facilitating in a way that is attuned to these is key.

For instance, how do you determine who needs to be in the room? What should you consider in deciding the agenda or focus for the gathering? 

What structures can you establish that will support each person’s equitable participation? How do you navigate expressions of unconscious use of power and privilege that impact the group? 

What can you do to guide the group towards decisions that everyone can stand behind?

These fully edited recordings from Roxy’s 2023 course is an opportunity to:

  • Explore several essential components of facilitation using a caring for all, power-with lens
  • Know how to identify and gather together the people who need to be in the room
  • Learn tips and strategies for ensuring all voices are heard
  • Grow your capacity to name and address power dynamics and unconscious bias that impacts group members’ experience
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Meet Your Trainer: Roxy Manning

Committed to compassion and fierce authenticity, Roxy Manning brings decades of service experience to her work interrupting explicitly and implicitly oppressive attitudes and cultural norms within individuals, communities, and organizations. Rooted in her experience as an Afro-Caribbean immigrant, Roxy's passion for cultivating resilience and equity comes from seeing the vast inequities in the ways different communities were resourced throughout her development and education. Roxy has worked and consulted across the U.S. with businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations wanting to move towards equitable and diverse hiring practices and workplace cultures, as well as with individuals and groups committed to social justice in Sri Lanka, Japan, The Netherlands, and Thailand.
More about: Roxy Manning

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