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  1. Social Change

    Social Change

    Roxy Manning, Martha Lasley

    Downloadable Courses · ·

    Do you ever feel worried or uncomfortable about conversations around domination and power, or feel afraid of saying the wrong thing? Are you a trainer, facilitator, teacher, or a leader who wants tools for inviting greater diversity and inclusion in your work? Listen to Roxy and Martha’s richly transformative course recording and learn how to: 1) cultivate behaviors that foster inclusion and partner-based relationships; 2) develop ease when connecting across differences; 3) expand your capacity for recognizing micro-aggressions, fragility, historical patterns — and so much more.

  2. Tao of Empathy

    Tao of Empathy

    John Kinyon

    Downloadable Courses · ·

    What exactly IS empathy? Empathy is the connection that happens between you and another when you experience your differences while holding on to underlying threads of commonality. In this recording, John will be sharing in-depth practices designed to give you the ability to speak and listen from a place of empathic presence, as well as a Self-Connection Practice specially formulated to help you come back to that empathy connection when you’ve gotten triggered into “fight-flight-freeze.”

    • Learn how to transform NVC into a tool for systemic awareness and healing
    • Examine the influence of difference, and uncover pathways that strengthen its capacity
    • Learn to receive and offer feedback on impact in situations fraught with power differences
    • Explore specific ways in which NVC systemically supports the full flowering of humanity
    • Delve into the dynamics of cultural differences, and discover how NVC can systemically contribute to a liberation perspective
  3. The Value of Just Being

    The Value of Just Being

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · N/A · 8/28/2021

    When it comes to how you're achieving your goals, notice what you value. Is achievement coming at others' expense? Where is your sense of worth and validation derived from? Do other people in some way set the bar that you strive to surpass? Without comparing to other people, what does success mean to you? Read on for a related story.

  4. How we treat ourselves when we fall short of our own ideals, desires and hopes can profoundly affect the quality of our lives. Learn how to identify your triggers and reactions, to mourn falling short, and to practice self-connection and self-empathy. 

  5. Thrive Together

    Thrive Together

    NVC Academy

    Downloadable Courses · ·

    • Celebrate and nurture your relationship to the Earth — and each other! 
    • Explore your connections to family, partner, work, nature, self and more 
    • Discover new ways to grow in community and work together to make this world a better place  
    • Engage and immerse yourself in NVC while making new friends! 
  6. Sociocratic Meeting Facilitation

    Sociocratic Meeting Facilitation

    For All the Meetings in Your Life (6 Session Course)

    Greg Rouillard, John Buck, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 9 hours · 10/29/2022

    Join CNVC Certified Trainer Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Greg Rouillard and Certified Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) Consultant John Buck for this six-session course recording to learn how to transform your method of meeting facilitation. Many NVC organizations have begun using sociocratic tools, including circle meetings and decision making by consent, with satisfying results.

    • Easier and steadier access to presence, awareness and self-connection in relationships and challenging situations 
    • Illumination of basic Buddhist and NVC principles 
    • A deeper understanding of how to live the Buddhist precepts of non-harming, mindful speech and deep listening 
    • An introduction to useful tools for families and communities to create a culture of Nonviolent Communication
    • Discover how Spiral Dynamics can offer more understanding of human nature
    • Learn from a Ukrainian NVC trainer and Spiral Dynamics experts
    • Better grasp the evolution of human needs, values, and life conditions
    • Explore how to apply NVC in situations that involve extreme violence
    • Learn the complexities of intersectionality 
    • Gain a deeper understanding of the affects of differing life experiences
    • Clear the way for a more authentic connection
    • Deepen your ability to hold others in compassion
    • Explore what makes the capacity lens radical and practical
    • Understand the complexities of how capacity and willingness interface
    • Mourn capacity limits within and around us without jumping to conclusions
    • Orient to agreements as behavioral anchoring in support of your commitments
    • Find your voice in response to words you hear as racist
    • Build bridges across significant differences of opinion
    • Become a powerful ally for the racial justice movement
  7. Parenting for Connection

    Parenting for Connection

    Eddie Zacapa

    Articles · 5 - 7 minutes · 10/5/2023

    By guessing our child's feelings and needs we open the door to understanding what's behind their behavior, and can better suggest solutions that meet both their and our own needs. In this way we build trust and their desire to seek us out in times of need. Expressing our own feelings and needs also allows us to help them understand the value in fulfilling tasks or requests.

  8. Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 8 - 12 minutes · 1/26/2024

    When deciding if someone crossed your boundaries and how to respond, you may get conflicting opinions on it. These opinions can be coarse attempts to manage life with rules about what should(n’t) happen. Instead, so that you can find where you want to invest your energy, ask yourself questions that reveal what for you is truly in integrity, nourishing, connects to your heart, and deepens self understanding. Read on for examples.

    • Transform and heal developmental trauma 
    • Reclaim the parts of yourself that have been left behind
    • Discover the difference between developmental trauma and PTSD
    • Reawaken your heart to love
  9. Read how an American Buddhist NVC teacher with Jewish roots reflects on how any dehumanization in the Israel-Hamas conflict can be used to justify all kinds of violence that can escalate for generations. With acknowledgment of the complexities, his desire is for us to bring in respect, dignity and peace -- for both Israelis and Palestinians. He emphasizes compassionate advocacy of all humanity amid the ongoing crisis.

  10. It is the first day of 2024 and I am filled with gratitude and awe. Yesterday, I celebrated my 9th year of hosting my annual New Year’s Peace Meditation. We had over 800 people register from many, many different countries and the meditation was interpreted into 4 different languages. It was incredibly moving, connecting, and hopeful for me!

  11. I’ve been part of a fitness group here in California for the past 1.5 years. It’s called Boot Camp, and I have no idea why! Anyway, most people in the class are 25-30 years younger than I am and have been part of this group for several years. I don’t lift weights as heavy as theirs and I can’t always keep up with them, but I had felt confident that I was holding my own (except when jogging, which is the one place where I consistently lag far behind them). I found a way to be okay with this, to enjoy working out with them, without thinking I should be as strong or skilled as they are.

  12. Feelings and Needs Reference Guide

    Feelings and Needs Reference Guide

    NVC Academy

    Learning Tools · 10 minutes · 04/30/2024

    Feelings and Needs form the cornerstone of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), offering a profound framework for cultivating empathy, compassion, and authenticity in our interactions. This comprehensive 9-page Feelings and Needs Reference Guide is designed to support you in integrating these vital concepts into your daily life.

  13. Feelings and Needs form the cornerstone of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), offering a profound framework for cultivating empathy, compassion, and authenticity in our interactions. This comprehensive 9-page Feelings and Needs Reference Guide is designed to support you in integrating these vital concepts into your daily life.

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