Flash Sale! 50% Off Select Course Recordings

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Miki Kashtan


1 hour, 17 minutes

It’s one thing to share NVC with those who’re interested, but what about those who aren’t? How does meeting someone where they are create space for learning, and help you find a pathway forward? Miki Answers this and more.

CNVC Certified Trainer Lore Baur asks: "Have you ever seen something happen that made you feel uncomfortable and you didn't know what to do?" That's the "bystander effect:" a well-researched and commonly experienced phenomenon. Training can help you overcome it, enabling you to discern what to do and how to support others in ways that reduce trauma and increase safety.

Hear first-hand how Ukrainian trainers are supporting their communities Discover practical ways the worldwide NVC community may support the Ukrainian people Listen as the trainers discuss the difference between NVC philosophy and NVC reality in crisis situations Begin to consider how we can mobilize the global NVC community “capital” when there is crisis

Christine King, Faye Landey, Liv Larsson, Mary Mackenzie and Rita Herzog


1 hour, 24 minutes

Please join us as we take a look at what disrupts our joy during the holidays… and discuss the delicious possibilities that abound when we declare our intention to "Greet the Holidays with an Open, Joyful Heart."

Join Susan Skye in this hour-long audio recording to learn how to experience the NVC consciousness as an embodied, living practice of the 'Living Energy of Needs." This recording includes a supportive learning exercise and tips for expressing needs in a non-mechanical way. "Over the years, I have noticed that people -- including trainers and facilitators -- use the words of the NVC process...

Inbal answers a parent's question about praise and offers a perspective on how praise translates into the NVC framework.


Trainer Tip

2 - 3 minutes

An exploration of four types of feedback: destructive criticism, constructive criticism, feedback by demonstration and dialogue.

If you are tired of feeling dissatisfied, frustrated and hopeless about experiencing ease and joy in your intimate relationships, this course is for you! Please join CNVC Certified Trainer and long-time relationship expert, Kelly Bryson, in this course to rethink and relive your perception of love so you can actually feel love, let love in and be love.

Are you a spiritual seeker who longs for an approach that supports compassion for self as well as profound spiritual transformation? If so, you’ll enjoy this telecourse recording with Robert Gonzales and Leo Sofer as they engage in dynamic discussions about NVC as a spiritual practice.

I love the insights, resources, and inspiration I get from this course. It gives you a glimpse into the support Miki offers around deepening the practice of nonviolence in thought, word, and action. —Lore Baur, NVCA Course Coordinator, CNVC Certified Trainer. Miki is sharing what that means "Responding to the Call of our Time" for her and invites us to feel that call. This video illustrates how...

Can you give me advice on what to do when people won't talk to me? I find it very difficult to discover what their needs are that aren't being met! Also, how can I be effective with people who don't actually want to think about why they're being the way they are?

Kelly Bryson, veteran and loved CNVC Certified Trainer, brings decades of experience to help you jumpstart your Mastery of Fear by using his unusual blend of experiential exercises, humor, empathy, original songs and stories, transformational truth telling, creativity and FRED (Frequency Resonation Energy Dynamics).

Jean Morrison and Kelly Bryson


15 minutes

In this role play, Jean Morrison plays a mother who is asking her son to vacuum the house and he is objecting. She enacts the role first using "jackal" language and then again using Nonviolent Communication.

We all blow it sometimes. Maybe we are triggered and react in ways we regret. Or we unknowingly say or do something that unexpectedly touches a nerve for someone else. Either way, how do we heal the disconnection? In this session, you'll learn how to integrate skills for repairing relationships.

Some people in the NVC community consider the words "privilege" and "power" triggering and/or evaluative. From this perspective, how can the concepts of "privilege" and "power" be considered part of the NVC teaching? This writing piece examines the power and privilege debate. It also discusses what the author sees as Marshall Rosenberg and Gandhi's stance on the subject...

What is it that enables us to thrive? How can we influence our capacity to live a meaningful and fulfilling life? Join Jim and Jori Manske in this exciting telecourse recording on the intersection of NVC and cutting-edge Positive Psychology, the science of human thriving.

Jim and Jori Manske went from poverty to financial independence in 8 years, and they’re making the process they used available to you! Please join them in this inspiring 8-session program to transform your relationship with money, scarcity and abundance.

Christine King and Kelly Bryson


9 minutes

Kelly Bryson and Christine King engage in a role play about how to stay connected to a friend whose persistent jackal voices tell her that she is worthless and her life is hopeless.

The NVC Circle of Life is a mandala illustrating the process and consciousness of Nonviolent Communication. Mandala literally means "sacred circle" and symbolizes wholeness, balance and harmony.

Gregg Kendrick and Marie Miyashiro


4 - 6 hours

How is empathy in the workplace a professional skill? If you are ready to learn why and how empathy is the critical factor to more productivity, profitability and collaboration in the workplace, this recording is for you!