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NVC Resources on Families

  1. Trainer tip: People often presume why something happened before checking with the other person. Instead, if we were to name the facts of what happened through observation without adding in our own judgments or reasons why we think it happened, we can more easily open the possibility for deeper connection with the other person. Read on for more on making observations.

  2. In this book excerpt, Kathleen and Jared offer a path to reach deeper clarity, distinguishing between freedom and submission / rebellion.

  3. Trainer Tip: Even when it's tempting to coerce or match might with might, we can strive to meet our needs without negatively affecting others. Instead of convincing anyone to do it our way or to value the same things we value, we can focus on what we value: compassion among people and valuing everyone’s needs. By doing this we are actually more likely to meet our own needs and we are better able to live peacefully.

  4. Inspired By Meeting A Greek God

    Inspired By Meeting A Greek God

    Robert Maoz Krzisnik

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 7/19/2023

    This anecdote illustrates how a young man had the social awareness to consider how male conditioning may bring up competitiveness in his interactions with another man. The young man offered transparency and checked for consent in a way that shows an embodiment of power-with, togetherness, consideration, care, collaboration... and all without displaying any formal NVC training, and without looking to impress.

  5. The Relief of Authenticity

    The Relief of Authenticity

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 11/6/2023

    Trainer Tip: Censoring oneself to maintain peace may seem easier, but it actually requires significant energy. You can free up that energy you use to deny and stuff down your feelings, needs, desires, truth, and figure out and adjust to what others want. Embracing authenticity and expressing true feelings and needs can lead to a liberating experience, unlocking joy, love, and endless possibilities.

  6. Navigating Uncertainty

    Navigating Uncertainty

    The Power of Present-Centered Decision-Making

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 5 minutes · 1/8/2024

    In uncertain times, when facing important life decisions, it's common to get caught up in imagining various scenarios and potential outcomes. The desire to predict and control the future often gives a false sense of security. The key is to make decisions based on the information available now, minimizing the number of irreversible choices. This approach maintains focus on what is known and prevents getting lost in the unknown. Rigor is essential, especially when familiar pathways don't align with desired values. In times of high stakes and uncertainty, such as dealing with a health crisis, the challenge is to resist the urge to speculate on countless possibilities and instead concentrate on the facts at hand. Miki Kashtan shares how staying in the present and acting on what is currently known provided a practical and grounded approach which allowed her to stay present throughout her sister's, Inbal Kashtan, journey with cancer.

  7. Uncertainty, Human Limitations, and Acceptance

    Uncertainty, Human Limitations, and Acceptance

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 7 - 10 minutes · 3/11/2024

    So many of us have a habitual response of trying to eliminate uncertainty and the arrival of what we don't want. Alternatively, we can embrace the irreducible uncertainty of life. This shift from resistance and helplessness to mourning allows acceptance of outcomes, reduction of stress, and opens the door to noticing and appreciating what's present and available amidst challenges.

  8. Empathy, a Potent Healer

    Empathy, a Potent Healer

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 6/13/2020

    Trainer tip: Empathy, hearing feelings and needs behind someone’s words, can be incredibly healing -- and it can help us come to better understanding and resolution. Empathize with at least on person today. Read on for an example of applied empathy.

  9. Street NVC

    Street NVC

    "Street Ease" Empathy Exercise

    Dian Killian

    Practice Exercises · 5 minutes · 02/26/2020

    Listen to CNVC Certified Trainer Dian Killian guide and ease you into a more natural expression of empathy. This is a three person exercise. Listen in and then give it a try!

  10. NVC Life Hacks 39

    NVC Life Hacks 39

    Transforming Anger

    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 13 minutes · 06/08/2023

    We live in a world where there is a lot of anger. It can be a strong and intense emotion that we feel or receive from others sometimes on a daily basis. Whether that's an agitated partner, road rage, or a disgruntled colleague. While we're familiar with this feeling, we're not necessarily well equipped with how to express it in a healthy way. In this month's Life Hack, Shantigarbha takes us through a guided reflection on anger.

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