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Wednesdays, June 14-July 19, 2023 (six sessions)
12:00-2:00pm Pacific (California) Time
The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
One of the things we all enjoy about NVC is the connection it facilitates between ourselves and others.
This connection is wonderful… but you also need to be skilled at self-protection.
For those of you who are used to offering empathy and meeting other people’s needs first — sometimes at your own expense — this can be especially difficult.
Years ago, when NVC Facilitator Yvette Erasmus immersed herself in deepening her compassion and empathy skills, her main focus was on connecting and empathizing with others before anything else. Unfortunately, this also left her vulnerable and undefended in situations where she actually needed more self-advocacy and self-protection.
Now, Yvette is here to help you avoid the same misstep!
Yvette is a sought after relational-intelligence expert with over 3 decades of real-world experience in human transformation, healing, growth and learning. Her work is dedicated to bridging differences, inside and outside of ourselves.
Healthy boundaries create togetherness, safety, and closeness. By providing protection, they allow you to soften into trustworthy, secure relationships – at home and at work.
If you’re unable to voice and honor your intrinsic limits and preferences without making others “wrong,” you may resort to setting forceful and self-sabotaging boundaries out of desperation.
In this course, Yvette will help you identify your internal boundaries, your “deal-breakers,” and show you how to talk about your internal boundaries long before they become painful issues in your relationships.
You can expect to:
You will come away with practical scripts and a step-by-step process to navigate boundaries with more ease and connection. Come and discover how setting clear boundaries will actually make all your relationships stronger!
Want an opportunity to experience Yvette’s teaching style before committing? Join the first session for free!
Registration Fee: $462
NVC Library Members 20% Discount: $370
Enter coupon code NVCL at time of checkout.
SIGN UP NOW GIVE AS A GIFTWhen you register, you will receive an email with complete instructions on how to access your course.
Note that course recordings display images of active speakers only, and are made available to all registrants.
The live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: