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Live NVC Courses: honesty

Ask the Trainer: How do I respond to people who believe that consequences are necessary to change behavior?


Ask the Trainer: "I understand that I'm not responsible for someone else's feelings, but my girlfriend doesn't. Do you have ideas for how I could get her to understand this concept?"


Trainer Tip

2-3 minutes

Ask the Trainer: "Recently, I was sitting in my weekly practice group trying to connect to my reasons for wanting to give empathy to a particular person. She was telling us about some painful feeling she was having, but was not connecting to her needs."


Trainer Tip: Have you ever noticed how often we back up when we find ourselves in a conflict? Or how much we try to pull away when someone is angry or in emotional pain?


Trainer Tip

1 - 2 minutes

Trainer Tip: "Sometimes we are dissatisfied in our primary relationship, yet the thought of making a change is scary, so we stay in it. Sometimes we think we're afraid to learn the truth, so we don't ask direct questions."


Ask the Trainer: My question is about wanting to empathize more with my husband. Sometimes we connect very deeply, other times he slips back into "jackal talk..."


Ask the Trainer: Can all needs be met when illness limits the capacity of one person to meet the needs of her partner?


Ask the Trainer: I feel overwhelmed thinking of writing to someone with cancer. What can I do?


Trainer Tip

2 - 3 minutes

An exploration of four types of feedback: destructive criticism, constructive criticism, feedback by demonstration and dialogue.


Ask the Trainer: "I recently attended an NVC workshop where the focus was entirely upon empathy, and expressing honestly was not covered. Aren't empathy and honesty both vital NVC components?"
