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  1. Parenting and Anger

    Parenting and Anger

    Walking the Ultimate Path to Peace (5 Session Course)

    John Kinyon, Stephanie Bachmann Mattei

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 2/25/2021

    John and Stephanie combine mediating conflict, parenting and study of brain science to this ground-breaking course recording on how to funnel your anger and your child’s anger toward mutual caring and peace.

  2. Looking at “Shoulds”

    Looking at “Shoulds”

    Sylvia Haskvitz

    Audio · 22 minutes · 4/22/2024

    Using real-life examples from class participants, Sylvia Haskvitz demonstrates the life-changing results of clarifying the needs underlying "shoulds." Some of the situations covered in this audio are:

    • A grandmother shares how she was able to spend time with her grandchildren even when experiencing estrangement from her daughter
    • A father examines how to repair a conversation with his daughter
    • A woman explores her "should" thinking about her financial stability, her job and grief regarding her husband's death
    • A woman connects to her deeper needs that arise with the statement "I should do my taxes"
    • A woman perceives that she has conflicting needs for family harmony, relaxation and comfort when deciding whether to spend holiday time with stepchildren

    If your life is fraught with "shoulds," this resource will support you in translating them into needs and, in some cases, to let them go entirely.

    • Reclaim the lost voices of your ancestors
    • Understand the impact of collective trauma on your family line
    • Open yourself up to have more warmth for yourself and your children
    • Restore the flow of love and energy from past generations
  3. Greetings dear readers of the Growing Roots Newsletter! Mary Mackenzie invited me to be a guest writer for this issue to which I happily agreed. She also shared that her messages are typically more personal in nature, something I always appreciate in a newsletter. The challenge for me then is to...
  4. How Anger Can Help or Hinder

    How Anger Can Help or Hinder

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 2 - 3 minutes · 9/25/2023

    We can use anger as an important signal to let us know that we perceive a threat to a universal need or value, directing our attention to something so that we can take effective action, and avoid harmful thought patterns. For example, instead of dwelling on a "should," focus on addressing unmet needs through boundaries and effective communication.

  5. It is the first day of December and it seems to me as if 2023 went by with a flash. I have felt deep despair about the growing division between people and the devastating impact it has had on human beings, all life in fact, including our planet. And, I have also experienced many moments of joy and satisfaction this year.
  6. Bystander Intervention

    Bystander Intervention

    Eddie Zacapa

    Articles · 2 - 3 minutes · 6/16/2023

    Often, people don't help others when others are in danger, whether it is a parent who is abusing a child, a man who is battering his wife, someone sexually harassing another, a bully making fun of someone, or a person who is abusing a pet. However, intervening can save lives. And bring enrichment, peace, safety, care, and justice to the world.

  7. Embracing Positivity

    Embracing Positivity

    Transforming Lives through Joyful Choice and Conscious Action

    Mary Mackenzie

    Video · 7 min 30 sec · 03/08/2024

    Marshall Rosenberg used to talk about every situation with the same level of joy a child might feel. This may seem impossible at first! But when you focus on all the ways something is hard, you miss out on the full experience and remove your sense of choice. In this video, Mary shares several benefits of positivity and lots of examples along the way. 

  8. Inbal responds to the question "Is bribery an acceptable tool for compliance?' and helps us understand the five habitual reasons we do things.

  9. Making Requests Count

    Making Requests Count

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 5/16/2022

    Trainer Tip: A request completes the communication by stating specifically what we would like from someone else to meet our need. Without this clarity, our communication can be confusing and can easily be seen as a demand. When people know what you want, you have a better chance of meeting your needs. Make clear, specific, doable requests of people, and see if this increases the chance of meeting your needs. Read on for an example.

  10. Living Autonomously

    Living Autonomously

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 5/8/2023

    Trainer Tip: Autonomy is not a need, but rather a way of living. We always have choices in life, even if none of them appeal to us. Becoming aware of our choices and taking responsibility for them leads to greater joy and empowerment.

  11. Read how an American Buddhist NVC teacher with Jewish roots reflects on how any dehumanization in the Israel-Hamas conflict can be used to justify all kinds of violence that can escalate for generations. With acknowledgment of the complexities, his desire is for us to bring in respect, dignity and peace -- for both Israelis and Palestinians. He emphasizes compassionate advocacy of all humanity amid the ongoing crisis.

  12. Striving for Win-Win Resolutions

    Striving for Win-Win Resolutions

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/15/2022

    Trainer Tip: Strive for win-win resolutions where no one loses. Try this rather than deciding things by the majority or compromise, where one or more parties feel dissatisfied with the resolution because it involves an element of giving in. An alternative is shifting; both people connect to the needs they are trying to meet, and in doing so, one person makes an honest shift to contribute to the other person’s needs and life.

  13. Connecting to Self

    Connecting to Self

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 3/1/2015

    Trainer Tip: Q: How do we get the love we want? A: Ask for it.

  14. Longing For The Company Of Not-Knowers

    Longing For The Company Of Not-Knowers

    Robert Maoz Krzisnik

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 8/21/2023

    How excited do you get about connecting with people who are proving themselves right and who act like they know it all? Do you prefer the company of not-knowers who are in awe of the mystery of life and exploring with humility and innocent curiosity? Masking our vulnerability in not-knowing can point to deep wounds inside us, where perhaps the common denominator is our desire to prove our worth.

  15. Every Angry Message is a "Please"

    Every Angry Message is a "Please"

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/29/2010

    Trainer Tip: Anger can be an opportunity to hear the "Please" behind the words and create a path to resolve conflicts compassionately.

  16. Protective Vs. Punitive Use Of Force

    Protective Vs. Punitive Use Of Force

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/14/2023

    Trainer Tip: Punitive use of force stems from a belief that people behave in certain ways because they're bad, and that they need to be punished to mend their ways. One way to punish is to judge them. In contrast, protective use of force stems from a desire to prevent injury or injustice. It focuses on protecting people’s rights and well-being, not judging their behavior.

  17. What the World Needs

    What the World Needs

    Inbal Kashtan

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 7/28/2010

    In this written transcript of a live presentation, Inbal Kashtan shares how she first became aware of poverty. She explains how empathy is a vital and powerful force for creating peace in our world today, and a powerful means of creating a world that works for all of us.

  18. Recently, I have been pondering anger, how I express it and the jackal story I tell myself about it. Marshall Rosenberg taught that anger is a natural emotion that is based on a judgment of someone else or myself. I agree with this, so I have been doing some “enemy images” and self-empathy work (and praying for those who are most likely to be the recipients of my anger). My goal was to clear my judgments and take responsibility for my “stuff.” It has helped a lot, and yet I still feel a general anger in me that is not directly related to anyone or any specific situation.
  19. NVC and the Enneagram

    NVC and the Enneagram

    Expanding Awareness, Connection and Compassion (3 Session Course)

    Jean Morrison, Sylvia Haskvitz

    Multi-session Course · 2 hours, 42 minutes · 5/14/2017

    Join Sylvia and Jean in this fascinating exploration of NVC and the Enneagram, a system of nine basic personality types.

Results 61 - 80 of 125
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