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Search Results: conflict resolution

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  1. Witnessing Humanity

    Witnessing Humanity

    Arnina Kashtan

    Audio · 40 minutes · 7/29/2010

    CNVC Certified Trainer Arnina Kashtan talks about what she calls "witnessing humanity," touching on the gift of presence, empathy vs. identification and staying present in the face of intensity.

  2. Miki Kashtan hosted Living Room Radio Show on KPFA Radio 94.1FM in Berkeley, California, USA. Listen as she works with a a woman whose relationship is challenged by what happens when her lover drinks. In this segment, Miki encourages the caller to get support for her stress, find an outlet for it and receive empathy. Miki addresses the challenges of addiction, the self-judgment of trying to meet needs by drinking and the pain this causes for everyone involved. She further suggests that the caller try to connect to the needs he is trying to meet by drinking, and to identify those that are actually being met and those that aren’t.

  3. CNVC Certified Trainer Shantigarbha Warren offers a report of his recent NVC training trip to Israel/Palestine, India and Sri Lanka and clarifies how NVC can support social change in three very different contexts. Included is an exercise, based on Gandhi’s teaching.

  4. NVC and Social Change

    NVC and Social Change

    Alan Rafael Seid

    Audio · 1 hour, 24 minutes · 2/24/2012

    Listen to this telecourse recording with CNVC Certified Trainer, Alan Seid, to explore what is meant by social change in the context of NVC, and learn how Nonviolent Communication can be a powerful ally for creating social change.

  5. CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan talks with radio show host Hollis Polk about strategies for communicating with family members whose political views oppose our own.

  6. Inner Maps of Conflict

    Inner Maps of Conflict

    John Kinyon

    Audio · 9 minutes · 7/28/2010

    In this brief audio segment, John Kinyon offers a guided tour of our inner maps of conflict, including interpersonal mediation, chooser/educator, enemy images and making amends maps.

  7. Expressing and Receiving “No” in NVC Consciousness

    Expressing and Receiving “No” in NVC Consciousness

    John Kinyon

    Audio · 1 hour, 21 minutes · 10/20/2014

    How we deal with “no” is a litmus test of our state of consciousness around power. Listen as John works with participants as they learn to give and receive a "no" from a consciousness of interpersonal connection.

  8. Resolving Conflict in Congregations

    Resolving Conflict in Congregations

    LoraKim Joyner, DVM

    Audio · 10 minutes · 9/18/2013

    LoraKim explores what gets in the way of seeing the inherent worth and dignity of others when there is conflict in congregations. The strategies LoraKim offers can be applied to any spiritual community.

  9. Transforming Drama in Congregations

    Transforming Drama in Congregations

    LoraKim Joyner, DVM

    Audio · 7 minutes · 9/18/2013

    Developing interpersonal relationship skills in congregations is integral to working with the conflicts that arise. These skills can be applied to any spiritual community.

  10. This holiday, shift your focus from what disappoints you to the true whisperings of your heart. Compassion is an inside-outside process. In this telecourse recording, you will experience four simple tools for savoring your own precious needs, allowing you to experience greater compassion and harmony this holiday.

  11. Join Jim and Jori Manske in a thought experiment exercise designed to help us become more aware of our conditioning, allowing us to make more conscious and connected choices in the face of conflict.

  12. It seems to me that people see ideas which are different from theirs as threatening. Instead of listening, the group polarizes around the different ideas and a lot of judgments develop, conflicts develop and people feel hurt. Forward progress becomes a battle ground. How can I support more collaboration?

  13. How can I deal with someone who is constantly interrupting and derailing our process?

  14. Listen to John talk about the inner and outer mediation process, the importance of the "3rd chair," and an experience of working with Pakistani elders.

  15. Applying NVC to Social Change Movements

    Applying NVC to Social Change Movements

    Miki Kashtan

    Audio · 50 minutes · 7/1/2016

    Want things to change in your community, but feel frustrated or don’t know what to do? Miki’s intriguing overview of how to apply the principles of NVC to social change movements may have the exact blend of inspiration and ideas you’re seeking!

  16. NVC Life Hacks 5

    NVC Life Hacks 5


    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 3 minutes · 07/18/2018

    Conflict occurs when disagreements undermine the sense of trust and safety in family, workplace, or community. Shantigarbha shares nine tips for addressing, and even transforming conflict.

  17. Connected Decision Making

    Connected Decision Making

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 2 - 3 minutes · 9/6/2019

    If you're stuck when making a decision with someone, it's likely that you've skipped hearing and connecting to one another's needs. Slow down and listen for what's really important underneath the content. This allows you to make decisions that are more fulfilling and harmonious.

  18. Getting Stuck Arguments Unstuck

    Getting Stuck Arguments Unstuck

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 8/21/2019

    Some arguments stay stuck because each person thinks it's about the content of the argument, rather than the needs each person is attempting to protect. When the needs get attached to the strategies a "no way out" scenario gets created. Instead, fully step into one another's worlds and connect to the feelings and needs behind the strategy each party is putting forth. Read on for six elements to creating empathic connection.

  19. Mediation is a great skill to have whether it's for your personal relationships or in the workplace. We look at four different techniques and their benefits in a role-play between two neighbours discussing a dispute.

  20. Mediation is a great skill to have whether it's for your personal relationships or in the workplace. We look at four different techniques and their benefits in a role-play that takes place in an informal, unorganised setting.

Results 61 - 80 of 98