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NVC Resources on Business or Workplace

  1. NVC in Hostage Negotiations and Hospitals

    NVC in Hostage Negotiations and Hospitals

    An Interview

    Wes Taylor

    Audio · 21 minutes · 3/15/2011

    In this inspiring interview, Wes Taylor relays a story of how Nonviolent Communication is successfully used in law enforcement, and some of his challenges and joys in infusing Nonviolent Communication into a Maryland hospital culture.

  2. Facilitate Change

    Facilitate Change

    Using NVC to Create Social Change

    Dian Killian PhD, Martha Lasley

    Audio · 51 minutes · 6/15/2019

    Listen to this newly remastered audio with seasoned Life Coach and CNVC Certified Trainers Martha Lasley and Dian Killian, to explore how you can "be the change" in your life, to live fully in integrity with your values in your work, community, faith and social action groups.

  3. Colloquial NVC Options

    Colloquial NVC Options

    Miki Kashtan

    Learning Tools · 5 - 8 minutes · 9/10/2024

    How can we express ourselves in a way that supports a natural flow of connection while maintaining a focus on NVC consciousness? This handout from CNVC Certified Trainer, Miki Kashtan, offers seven options that support NVC enthusiasts in evolving from classical to colloquial NVC language.
  4. Join CNVC Certified Trainers Jeff Brown, Jean Morrison, Karl Steyaert, Kathleen Macferran, Mary Mackenzie and Sylvia Haskvitz in a lively Q&A session focusing on naturalizing NVC into our daily interactions.

  5. Every Angry Message is a "Please"

    Every Angry Message is a "Please"

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/29/2010

    Trainer Tip: Anger can be an opportunity to hear the "Please" behind the words and create a path to resolve conflicts compassionately.

  6. Enjoy listening to Miki make the distinction between leadership as a position and leadership as an orientation to life. The theme: when is it time to actively step into your vision?! Check it out.

  7. Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    (4 Session Course)

    Ike Lasater, John Kinyon

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 12 minutes · 5/14/2017

    Listen to this introductory 4-session Mediate Your Life telecourse recording to change your response to conflict and change your life.

  8. Listen as Miki works with participants. Topics: how small requests serve interdependence; NVC process vs purpose; how to respond when empathy is used to create distance; coping with verbal aggression, and more!

  9. Feedback without Criticism

    Feedback without Criticism

    (5 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 8 - 11 hours · 9/17/2019

    This 5-session telecourse recording is designed to support you in learning what makes giving and receiving feedback challenging and how you can turn these experiences into opportunities for learning, connection, and effective functioning.

  10. Sociocratic Meeting Facilitation

    Sociocratic Meeting Facilitation

    For All the Meetings in Your Life (6 Session Course)

    Greg Rouillard, John Buck, Jerry Koch-Gonzalez

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 9 hours · 10/29/2022

    Join CNVC Certified Trainer Jerry Koch-Gonzalez, Greg Rouillard and Certified Dynamic Governance (Sociocracy) Consultant John Buck for this six-session course recording to learn how to transform your method of meeting facilitation. Many NVC organizations have begun using sociocratic tools, including circle meetings and decision making by consent, with satisfying results.

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