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NVC Resources on Empathy

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  1. Listen as Miki works with participants. Topics: how small requests serve interdependence; NVC process vs purpose; how to respond when empathy is used to create distance; coping with verbal aggression, and more!

  2. Recovering from Reactivity

    Recovering from Reactivity

    Jim & Jori Manske

    Audio · 30 minutes · 4/13/2017

    Join CNVC Certified Trainers Jim and Jori Manske for this session that will help you minimize your reactivity and live in greater choice.

  3. "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    Roxy Manning

    Articles · 7 - 11 minutes · 11/27/2018

    Do you yearn to step forward in leadership, but know you're holding back? Clinical psychologist, organizational consultant, and speaker, Roxy Manning, PhD, shows us that more than external factors, its our internal beliefs and fears that provide the main barrier to moving forward.  She does this by taking us through three myths of leadership, and weaves in anecdotes to illustrate how tapping our unique (often lesser recognized) qualities, can be the way forward we've been seeking. Learn ways to move forward, even if at first it appears that (1.) others can "do it better", (2.) you need to be more prepared, or even if (3.) the material you're conveying isn't so original (and has been used many times).

  4. Diving Deeper Into the Spiral of Life

    Diving Deeper Into the Spiral of Life

    (6 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 6 hours, 2 minutes · 9/15/2018

    We invite you to dive into this voyage, where you and Robert will swim ever deeper into the Spiral of Life, coming face-to-face with your divine Life Force – that essential living energy that permeates all.

  5. Life Force and the Spirituality of Human Needs

    Life Force and the Spirituality of Human Needs

    (6 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 9 hours · 10/31/2018

    Your needs and your values are your Life Force: the river that flows through your spirit and your life, giving life and light to your being. Explore this river with Robert, and map out routes that support your growth. Gain a deeper understadning and acceptance of the spirituality and beauty of needs and values.

  6. Are You Living Your True Potential?

    Are You Living Your True Potential?

    Mary Mackenzie

    Articles · 5 - 8 minutes · 12/23/2018

    How can we live up to our true potential, a life filled with relationships and experiences that truly meet our needs? In this article, Mary offers us a way to bring about inner transformation that can lead to seeing ourselves, others and life differently -- for greater agency, empowerment and choice.

  7. The NVC Model

    The NVC Model

    A Map to Your Intentions

    Dian Killian

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 3/16/2019

    The more we practice NVC by “rote” --going through OFNR (“Observations, Feelings, Needs, Requests”) on automatic-- the more likely our NVC practice would lead to disconnection.  The purpose of our NVC practice is to use this NVC "map" (OFNR) to support us in integrating the consciousness of the NVC (eg. operating with the intention to connect, collaborate, etc).  Once we let the map drop away, we can engage with the people in our lives in a more heartfelt way.  This article explains more about how we can use the map to remind us of our  heartfelt consciousness...

  8. Clarity, Compassion and Empowerment

    Clarity, Compassion and Empowerment

    (6 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 10 hours · 4/6/2019

    Living Compassion, for Robert, represents the spirituality that resides in every aspect of Nonviolent Communication. Its foundational principles are represented by three primary qualities or states of being: clarity, compassion and empowerment.

    In this course you’ll explore – and practice – how the unfolding of inner clarity opens your way to compassion, which further unfolds into empowerment. Throughout this unfolding process, Robert will include maps and tips for shifting your everyday life from one that is relatively limiting to a life that is both transformative, healing and liberating.

  9. Integration of Inner and Outer

    Integration of Inner and Outer

    Our Relationship to ALL of Life (5 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 9 hours · 4/6/2019

    During this course, you'll deeply examine this process of blending and integrating your inner and outer selves. Not only will you explore various states of being, such as defensive / protective and being / essence, you'll delve into the primary levels of relationship: to others, to the world and to life,  acquire tools for transforming resistance into unconditional acceptance, and much more.

  10. Healing and Reconciliation

    Healing and Reconciliation

    (7 Session Course)

    Ike Lasater, John Kinyon

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 9 hours · 5/21/2019

    Old emotional hurts and pains can easily erupt when you’re in the throes of conflict – even if you’re the mediator. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could avoid all of that, and instead create more peace and happiness for yourself, your family, your co-workers and your community?

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