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This 2022 live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
“The future is in our hands so the children are the main human beings who will take care of the world. Taking care of the world is actually taking care of yourselves.” - Dalai Lama
In this introductory course, Arnina Kashtan and Heather Austin invite parents on a courageous and transformational parenting adventure to transcend socialized parenting paradigms and limiting beliefs instilled from their own childhood experiences. Rather than teach parenting techniques or behavior management, their hope is to reconnect parents with their own innate wisdom so they can engage with their children more compassionately and responsively rather than parenting on auto-pilot that is fueled by repetitive patterns.
Packed with wisdom from their own challenges and discoveries, Arnina and Heather will teach and encourage self-care, self-kindness, and self-compassion, because experience (and science!) has taught them that doing so gives parents more of each to offer their children. Additionally, when children experience settled nervous systems modeled in the home by their parents, they are much less likely to interpret stress as their fault and carry burdens that are not theirs to carry.
“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
Arnina and Heather will also share practices and principles for cultivating more presence, awareness, compassion and resilience so parents can show up in ways that are more deeply aligned with their values and dreams. And because children learn more from what parents do than what they say, you will be instilling these same life-serving qualities in your children as you cultivate them within yourself.
This short introductory course distills a wide range of content, while allowing some space for deep engagement in order to receive these benefits:
Registration Fee: $213
NVC Library members: $171
Enter coupon code NVCL at time of checkout
When you register, you will receive an email with complete instructions on how to access your course.
Note that course recordings display images of active speakers only, and are made available to all registrants.
This 2022 live course is complete. You can register to receive access to the recorded sessions.
Looking for ways to keep up with NVC Academy news, get special offers, free resources, or words of inspiration? Here are five ways to stay engaged: