Embracing the Body

Embracing the Body

A Six Week Program on Somatic-Self-Empathy for Greater Empowerment, Insight, Freedom, and Choice

Dian Killian

MP4 Video Download

6 Sessions

5 hours 29 minutes, plus handouts

Recorded in 2021

Price: $97


Added 03/06/2023


When Dian works with managers, they often ask how they can manage others more effectively. She almost always asks them: how are you managing yourself?

This question applies to all aspects of life, both at work and at home. How are you: 1) gaining clarity around your needs; 2) managing your internal reactions; and 3) clarifying your requests before you open your mouth (or judge) others? This is why self-empathy – which Dian calls “self-management,” now a buzzword in business – is central to the practice of Nonviolent Communication.

Yet self-empathy is not always easy, especially if events in your life stimulate old, “fossilized” needs. These “fossilized” needs are often precognitive and connected to trauma, and as a result, “live” in your muscle memory. In order to fully release this “stuck” energy, it is necessary to engage your felt-sense while learning to empathize with your body and deeply connect with your younger parts.

Dian calls this process Somatic Self-Empathy (SEE).

Do you:

  • Retreat, collapse, or shut down in the face of push-back or conflict?
  • Notice the same situations and stories are occurring again and again?
  • Hit blocks internally when practicing self-empathy, and get stuck in your head?
  • Want more skill in getting clear about your needs?
  • Desire new, more powerful ways of practicing self-empathy?
  • Want to create real transformation and change in your life?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then Embracing the Body: Somatic-Self Empathy, is for you!

During these course recordings, you will learn how to:

  • Deepen your felt-sense
  • Discover and practice the “missing step” in the NVC process (somatic awareness)
  • Listen deeply to your body and understand its “language”
  • Draw on your senses to more deeply practice self-empathy and get past blocks
  • Create transformational shifts in your life and with others
  • Develop your empathy toolbox with emergency self-empathy “hacks”

These intermediate level course recordings will be of interest to anyone who wants freedom from consistent triggers and blocks… more self-connection and empathy (including with your body)… better understanding of what your body is telling you… greater insight, self-mastery, choice, and more. (Note: If you are new to NVC, please be familiar with the four basic OFNR steps and with making NVC empathy guesses.)

By listening closely with deep empathy to your body and your younger parts – who often have been waiting for decades to be heard –  you will free up energy, gain new insight, and enjoy more freedom and choice.

Author Image

Meet Your Trainer: Dian Killian

Dian Killian, PhD, is a Certified Trainer with the international Center for Nonviolent Communication, a certified life coach (a graduate of the Coaching for Transformation program) and author of two books, Urban Empathy: True Life Adventures of Compassion on the Streets of NY, and Connecting across Differences: How to Connect with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere (now in English, German, and Chinese). Founder and former director of the Center for Collaborative Communication, she now offers coaching and training via her company, Work Collaboratively, to diverse organizations from small and large NGOs to multinational and Fortune 100 companies.

She also founded and co-leads the International NVC Women‚ Retreat and has regularly offered public programming at Kripalu, the 92nd St Y, Omega, the NY Open Center, NVC Academy, and in Asia and Europe. Learn more and join her blog post and mailing list at www.workcollaboratively.com.

More about: Dian Killian
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