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Search Results: partnership consciousness

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  1. The Shadow Side of Autonomy

    The Shadow Side of Autonomy

    Rachelle Lamb

    Articles · 8 - 12 minutes · 12/21/2018

    Could our "need for autonomy" be getting in the way of "partnership consciousness" (as NVC is sometimes called). Could "autonomy" also block healthy relationships with not only ourselves and with others, but also with the planet? This article invites us to consider how "autonomy" may colour our NVC practice at the peril of our critical values. Values such as our care for impact, shared responsibility, interdependence, compassion, consideration, and more...

  2. Marshall Rosenberg's Vision of Social Change

    Marshall Rosenberg's Vision of Social Change

    Rachelle Lamb

    Articles · 12 - 18 minutes · 1/20/2019

    What could be, more often than not, overlooked when we think about or represent NVC or Marshall Rosenberg's work?  This article busts some commonly held ideas and approaches to NVC.  It challenges us to widen the lens of what it really means to be "life-serving", or speaking and hearing the "language of life".  And it also speaks to how thinking can deepen feeling and relatedness...

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