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  1. Observing Reality

    Observing Reality

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 3/6/2023

    Trainer Tip: Notice when you create stories about why something occurred. Commit to only observing facts. Then make decisions that are likely to give you relief and joy. For instance, if someone is late you may think that she’s inconsiderate or values another thing more than you. Instead, observe what you know—that she's later than agreed. From there, you could call her to find out what’s going on.

  2. Separating Observations And Evaluations

    Separating Observations And Evaluations

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 01/27/2023

    Trainer Tip: Oftentimes, when we mix an evaluation and observation, we promote defensiveness in other people. When we are able to separate the two, we are more likely to create opportunities to promote open dialogue about our concerns. Be aware of your evaluations and observations today.

  3. Making The Evolutionary Leap

    Making The Evolutionary Leap

    John Kinyon

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 2/1/2023

    Shared story has been a way for groups to unite in opposition to a common enemy. But more divergent and virulent beliefs/stories swirl through the internet and social media, facilitating people to polarize against one another. So notice when you're caught in a polarizing story; try shifting focus to observing your mind; somatic presence; underlying commonality; consciousness as universal need, energy, and spaciousness; and the natural compassion and generosity that flow from this.

  4. Taking Responsibility For Our Requests

    Taking Responsibility For Our Requests

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/7/2023

    Trainer Tip: It's important to design requests to fit specific needs. Otherwise people may do exactly what you ask and still, your needs may not get met. Before you make a request of someone, notice if the strategy you are considering is likely to meet your needs. If not, consider making a different request that may be more satisfying to you.

  5. Conflict Resolution

    Conflict Resolution

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 8/18/2023

    Trainer Tip: When there is conflict, the chances are good that people are arguing over a particular strategy. When we focus on our needs, the opportunities for peaceful resolution that values everyone’s needs are much greater. This can also build trust. Be aware of opportunities to shift focus from strategies to needs. Read on for an example of how this can work.

  6. Longing For The Company Of Not-Knowers

    Longing For The Company Of Not-Knowers

    Robert Maoz Krzisnik

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 8/21/2023

    How excited do you get about connecting with people who are proving themselves right and who act like they know it all? Do you prefer the company of not-knowers who are in awe of the mystery of life and exploring with humility and innocent curiosity? Masking our vulnerability in not-knowing can point to deep wounds inside us, where perhaps the common denominator is our desire to prove our worth.

    • Find your voice in response to words you hear as racist
    • Build bridges across significant differences of opinion
    • Become a powerful ally for the racial justice movement
  7. Liberty and Justice for All?

    Liberty and Justice for All?

    John Kinyon

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 4 minutes · 10/28/2023

    The American mythos of Independence Day is that liberty, equality, and opportunity are for all. Yet since the country's formation, these needs have been for some at the expense of others. It started with the brutal robbery and genocide of Native Americans and slavery of Africans. And this theme continued for generations in various forms, including how we related to other peoples, countries, and the ecosphere. To achieve true justice, liberty, and opportunity for all we may need to overcome the ego's sense of separation. Compassionate noncooperation may also be key.

  8. Parenting for Connection

    Parenting for Connection

    Eddie Zacapa

    Articles · 5 - 7 minutes · 10/5/2023

    By guessing our child's feelings and needs we open the door to understanding what's behind their behavior, and can better suggest solutions that meet both their and our own needs. In this way we build trust and their desire to seek us out in times of need. Expressing our own feelings and needs also allows us to help them understand the value in fulfilling tasks or requests.

  9. Find Agency With “Falling Out of Love”

    Find Agency With “Falling Out of Love”

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 3 - 5 minutes · 10/10/2023

    "Falling out of love" is a misleading concept that can lead to feelings of helplessness in relationships. The initial intense phase of love gradually gives way to the need for intentional effort and communication. Unrealistic relationship expectations can erode connection, causing the perception of falling out of love. To address this, we can ask key questions and seek clarity to attend to unmet needs and maintain a healthy connection.

  10. Our Afghan Story Revisited

    Our Afghan Story Revisited

    John Kinyon

    Trainer Tips · 5 - 7 minutes · 11/11/2023

    Two NVC trainers went into dangerous, war torn territory to share the skills they found so valuable but end up learning that they need to first apply those skills before those they came to help could receive what they had to offer. Only when the foundation of connection and trust was built could they mediate the conflicts using empathic communication.

  11. Expressing Big Emotions Compassionately

    Expressing Big Emotions Compassionately

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 02/06/2024

    Trainer Tip: When we express frustration without blaming others and by clarifying our own needs and requests, we diminish the possibility of hurt feelings and separation in our relationships. So next time you feel very agitated or angry, rather than implying the other person is wrong or at fault, try the following: own your feelings, make a specific request, and rather than implying they need to give up their needs focus on your needs.

  12. Attending to Our Need for Love

    Attending to Our Need for Love

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 12/19/2023

    Trainer Tip: Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation where your need for love is not met. Consider ways in which a partner or friend could meet your need for love. Be sure to request something the other person is capable of doing. Whatever the situation, it is our responsibility to clarify how we can meet our need for love, while also considering the abilities of our loved ones to comply with our requests.

  13. Uncertainty, Human Limitations, and Acceptance

    Uncertainty, Human Limitations, and Acceptance

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 7 - 10 minutes · 3/11/2024

    So many of us have a habitual response of trying to eliminate uncertainty and the arrival of what we don't want. Alternatively, we can embrace the irreducible uncertainty of life. This shift from resistance and helplessness to mourning allows acceptance of outcomes, reduction of stress, and opens the door to noticing and appreciating what's present and available amidst challenges.

  14. Hi friends, My name is Itzel and I’m happy for this opportunity to share a bit about myself and how I came to teach NVC. I was an activist before I knew what the word meant. When I was a child, I often argued with the adults around me about what I thought was “right.” If I had a nickel for every time a grown-up said to me, “You should be a lawyer,” I probably would’ve collected enough money to pay for the law school education that I eventually got. I left my traditional legal career path after more than a decade to become a...
  15. We’re in the throws of a particularly worrisome presidential election in the USA. Combined with world affairs and the global warming of our earth, we are seeing a level of despair higher than I ever remember experiencing.

    As a result, the level of blaming others, judgments, dis-ease, and lack of trust that I experience or hear about every day is at an all-time high. I think there’s so much fear that we’ve begun lashing out at others, and rage is either visible or ever lurking.

  16. Dear friends,

    My book, Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing and Compassion has been on my mind a lot lately. It turns 20 years old next year, which I feel joyful about. Along the way, I came across this meditation that I wanted to share with you:

    November 26
    Change your thoughts and you change your world. – Norman Vincent Peale

    Developing Tolerance

    I used to think that Chihuahuas were dumb dogs and bulldogs were ugly. Then one of my friends bought a longhaired Chihuahua named Tilly and another bought an English bulldog named Emma. Once I got to know these dogs and could see how truly sweet they are, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with both of them.

    • Connect the dots between NVC basic practices and the deeper "why" behind them
    • Discover how NVC can support us in bringing tenderness to all of humanity
    • Learn how to tie the NVC approach to liberation and vision
    • Explore the many ways the tools of NVC support the path of liberation!
  17. Evaluating Ourselves with Compassion

    Evaluating Ourselves with Compassion

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 4/15/2021

    Trainer Tip: Every time you criticize yourself, you cause yourself to feel shame and guilt, which promotes depression and stagnation. Instead, bringing in more self compassion can increase opportunities for change. Do this by acknowledging your needs (or values) that aren’t met by your actions. Read on for how to do this.

  18. Meeting Our Need for Trust

    Meeting Our Need for Trust

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 6/8/2021

    Trainer Tip: When you suspect someone is lying, consider how it may be less important what the truth is. Instead, notice whether your need for trust is met. Without blame, nor labelling. you can make specific requests to meet your needs, while also respecting the other person’s needs. Read on for more.

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