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    • Discover how mediation is a fundamental social skill that everyone can learn
    • Gain the skills to stay centered when a conflict becomes heated
    • Learn how to lead a dialogue toward sustainable agreements
    • Help facilitate connection and creativity to discover and meet everyone’s needs
  1. Dear friends,

    My book, Peaceful Living: Daily Meditations for Living with Love, Healing and Compassion has been on my mind a lot lately. It turns 20 years old next year, which I feel joyful about. Along the way, I came across this meditation that I wanted to share with you:

    November 26
    Change your thoughts and you change your world. – Norman Vincent Peale

    Developing Tolerance

    I used to think that Chihuahuas were dumb dogs and bulldogs were ugly. Then one of my friends bought a longhaired Chihuahua named Tilly and another bought an English bulldog named Emma. Once I got to know these dogs and could see how truly sweet they are, it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with both of them.

  2. A Deep Dive into the Art of Mediation

    A Deep Dive into the Art of Mediation

    (5 session course)

    Yoram Mosenzon

    Video · 5 - 6 hours · 10/30/2024

    CNVC Certified Trainer, Yoram Mosenzon has a vision… he sees mediation as a basic life skill that could be taught in schools starting at the age of three. He dreams of a world where all human beings have mediation skills to support understanding, cooperation, and connection when conflicts arise. 
  3. Street NVC

    Street NVC

    Bringing Your NVC Practice into Everyday Life! (4 Session Course)

    Dian Killian

    Multi-session Course · 3 - 4 hours · 04/07/2024

    Are you finding yourself grappling with the NVC model despite your familiarity or practice? Do you often feel stuck or find it challenging to make it feel natural or authentic in your interactions?

    Let CNVC Certified Trainer, Dian Killian, guide you towards embodying the essence of NVC—a mindset of connection and collaborative engagement. Through her expertise, you'll discover invaluable insights tailored to make your NVC practice truly your own. From uncovering intuitive methods to discern feelings and needs, to seamlessly integrating NVC principles into your everyday speech, Dian empowers you with insider tips for authentic connection.

  4. Self-Empathy


    Healing from the Inside Out (6 Session Course)

    Mary Mackenzie

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 7/27/2019

    Ever wish you knew how you might experience more choice when you've been triggered, instead of being trapped in old habits and unmet needs? Wish you could REALLY heal old internal messages that tell you you're not good enough… not loveable… or not deserving? Join veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, Mary Mackenzie, for this 6-session course designed to deepen your ability to connect with self and heal your past through the process of Self-empathy.

  5. Judging and Feeling Judged

    Judging and Feeling Judged

    Miki Kashtan

    Audio · 16 minutes · 7/28/2010

    In this potent audio, expert trainer Miki Kashtan demonstrates the eye-opening experience of translating judgments into needs. She works with a mother who is stuck in a loop of feeling judged by family members and judging them back.

  6. Fear of Negative Consequences

    Fear of Negative Consequences

    Miki Kashtan

    Audio · 8 minutes · 5/12/2015

    Miki responds to a participant’s question concerning fear of consequences when speaking with a manager at work. In this excerpt, she delves into the topic of choosing to inhabit nonviolence in the workplace, affirming that fear and nonviolence are incompatible, and that nonviolence is a powerful alternative to our habitual Fight, Flight, Freeze responses.

  7. Honesty With Care (Body-Based NVC)

    Honesty With Care (Body-Based NVC)

    Anna Groves

    Video · 1 hour, 47 minutes · 05/17/2022

    How we choose to communicate can either open or shut down connection. We express ourselves through our bodies, so no matter how ‘nicely’ we offer words, if they are not aligned with our energy, they won’t be congruent. This session will offer simple yet powerful tools to connect to your needs and others' needs, allowing more authentic words that are imbued with care.

  8. If you’re interested in improving your relationships, advancing in your career, or enhancing your capacity for change in life in general, communication is a powerful lever. Presence, listening, bringing curiosity and care, focusing on what matters, and pausing with silence, are all key. Read on for five foundational and advanced core practices you can start using today to improve your communication.

  9. Responding to a Painful Comment

    Responding to a Painful Comment

    Roxy Manning

    Video · 44 minutes · 07/25/2022

    How do you carry on a conversation when someone’s comment has had an impact on you? And what happens when two intentions clash because of different perspectives? Here’s Roxy’s powerful, common sense approach.

  10. The Purpose Of Gratitude

    The Purpose Of Gratitude

    Alan Rafael Seid

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 9/21/2022

    Gratitude keeps us connected to what is working, rather than dwelling on what is not working. As a celebration – gratitude keeps us connected to the natural joy of giving. Receiving gratitude also serves the function of feedback, and lets us know that we are effectively contributing.

    • Learn, practice, and integrate the basic components of NVC
    • Understand how to use observations, feelings, needs, and requests
    • Grow your communication skills and strengthen your relationships
    • Discover how to express yourself honestly and authentically!
  11. Less than 2 weeks ago from the time I’m writing this letter, Hamas militants crossed from Gaza into Israel and killed more than 1,300 people, most of them civilians. Israel then retaliated and killed over 3,000 Gazans, most of them civilians. The death rate continues to increase every day.  
  12. The Spirituality of Nonviolent Communication

    The Spirituality of Nonviolent Communication

    (6 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 8 - 10 hours · 06/22/2023

    Discover how the perennial strength of compassion and the living energy of needs can help you develop resilience in order to remain present with yourself and others amidst today's challenges.

  13. Nonviolence In The Face of Rape or Assault

    Nonviolence In The Face of Rape or Assault

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 1 - 2 minutes · 11/19/2020

    Here's a brief anecdote showing how one woman was able transform a situation, where a man was about to assault or rape her. She responded in a creative way that lead them both to see each others' humanity -- navigating them both to safety. As part of her ingenuity he ended up spending the night in her house, in another room.

  14. In this inspiring video, Robert Gonzales, veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, talks about his personal search to integrate spirituality into his daily life, and how Nonviolent Communication provided the missing link for this integration and has become the focus of his work.

  15. Group Feedback

    Group Feedback

    Sylvia Haskvitz

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 7/29/2010

    Ask the Trainer: "I'm part of a small, self-led NVC group that's been working together for almost two years. We are experiencing some growing pains in that we're still not certain how and under what circumstances to make requests, especially negative ones."

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