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  1. Tips for the Road Series Tip 8

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 8

    Practice Self-Empathy with Your Whole Body

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 4/23/2017

    In our fast-paced, busy lives it is tempting to practice NVC mostly with the left hemisphere of the brain, thinking through the steps quickly without slowing down to connect more deeply with feelings and needs.  Don't miss an opportunity to integrate the hemispheres of the brain and the valuable information from the neural networks in the heart and gut.

  2. Tips for the Road Series Tip 9

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 9

    Make Poetry Out of Empathy

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 5/30/2017

    Nonviolent Communication includes a practice of empathy that involves listening for feelings and needs no matter how someone expresses themselves, and reflecting back the feelings and needs when it is helpful to do so. You can reflect back in a traditional NVC manner, or in a more creative way, with metaphors.

  3. Complex Truth-Telling And Empowered Change

    Complex Truth-Telling And Empowered Change

    Sarah Peyton

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 09/05/2023

    When avoidance coping or positive thinking sidesteps challenges, internal and external injustice and unrest also rises as we sidestep our values and integrity. It leaves us in sadness and distress. What's unacknowledged impacts ourselves and others undesirably. To live nonviolently we need to be in touch with what's real. With resonance we can more likely be with what's true, and trust our resilience and inner alignment.

  4. Anatomy of a Trigger

    Anatomy of a Trigger

    Change Your Focus and Improve the Outcome

    Mary Mackenzie

    Articles · 7 - 10 minutes · 12/18/2018

    When you or anyone is upset, what could underneath the trigger?  There may be more than is immediately visible.  This article invites us to explore what it looks like to inquire deeper, take self-responsibility, examine our assumptions, attachments, interpretations, and "certainties" that could be hidden behind the needs that are aching to be attended to...

  5. Courage


    David K Weinstock

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 2/8/2021

    In listening to what our emotions tell us, and embracing what we do not know, we begin the path of courage. Even though our culture tells us not to, revealing our imperfections is where we can deeply connect. Living our lives more courageously honest, can shift us towards inspiring one another. Read on for how some people experienced this in coming together to transform one woman's heroine addiction.

  6. Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World

    Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World

    (10 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 15 - 16 hours · 09/11/2023

    Living Compassion in an Ever-Changing World is the last course that Robert Gonzales offered before his passing in November of 2021. It is an intermediate course whose purpose is to deepen our conscious connection to our own vital life force, to develop skills that support inner healing, and to grow and strengthen daily practices that allow us to truly live life to the fullest.

  7. Finding Your Way Through Hard Times

    Finding Your Way Through Hard Times

    Oren Jay Sofer

    Articles · 2 - 3 minutes · 4/18/2021

    What have you lost this year during this COVID-19 pandemic? Are you grieving too? Recognition of loss can helped contextualize our emotions. When we can meet grief with understanding, patience and tenderness, when we create space to mourn our losses -- and to begin to process, heal and metabolize loss. This can help us make sense of change and orient to a new reality. Grief is a longing for what we love.

  8. Self-Empathy


    Healing from the Inside Out (6 Session Course)

    Mary Mackenzie

    Multi-session Course · 5 - 7 hours · 7/27/2019

    Ever wish you knew how you might experience more choice when you've been triggered, instead of being trapped in old habits and unmet needs? Wish you could REALLY heal old internal messages that tell you you're not good enough… not loveable… or not deserving? Join veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, Mary Mackenzie, for this 6-session course designed to deepen your ability to connect with self and heal your past through the process of Self-empathy.

  9. NVC Life Hacks 4

    NVC Life Hacks 4


    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 4 minutes · 05/04/2019

    Anger is an emotion we'd often like to disown! Shantigarbha offers us five tips for "finding the life" in our anger, and ends with a short, guided reflection.

  10. NVC Life Hacks 39

    NVC Life Hacks 39

    Transforming Anger

    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 13 minutes · 06/08/2023

    We live in a world where there is a lot of anger. It can be a strong and intense emotion that we feel or receive from others sometimes on a daily basis. Whether that's an agitated partner, road rage, or a disgruntled colleague. While we're familiar with this feeling, we're not necessarily well equipped with how to express it in a healthy way. In this month's Life Hack, Shantigarbha takes us through a guided reflection on anger.

  11. W.A.I.T: Practices For Presence And Patience

    W.A.I.T: Practices For Presence And Patience

    Jim & Jori Manske

    Practice Exercises · 2 - 3 minutes · 4/16/2022

    With these practices make space before reacting to emotion or external stimulus. This can enable your capacity to respond from your self-connection to universally shared values. With practice you can create the capacity to temporarily put impulsiveness aside, in the service of connection with yourself and others, and in service of more informed and effective strategies.

  12. Practicing With Anger

    Practicing With Anger

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 5 - 7 minutes · 6/13/2023

    Anger is neither good nor bad. When you don't foresee it or you haven't cultivated a relationship to anger, you may behave from it and hurt yourself and others. There are three reasons anger may rise: primitive anger, resistance, and lack of resources. For practicing with these last two types of anger, we'll look at four practices: cultivate awareness, pause and expand, self-care and planning, and allow grief.

  13. Thrive Together

    Thrive Together

    NVC Academy

    Downloadable Courses · ·

    • Celebrate and nurture your relationship to the Earth — and each other! 
    • Explore your connections to family, partner, work, nature, self and more 
    • Discover new ways to grow in community and work together to make this world a better place  
    • Engage and immerse yourself in NVC while making new friends! 
  14. When You Are Being "Talked At"

    When You Are Being "Talked At"

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 5 - 8 minutes · 7/13/2019

    Has someone ever talked to you to the extent that you're no longer enjoying it, and you now wonder if they even know you're there? Learn ways to bring in emotional understanding, engage more honestly and open-heartedly, and bridge next steps to the type of conversation that engages everyone's needs.

  15. NVC Zen

    NVC Zen

    The Paradox of Responsibility

    Aya Caspi

    Video · 9 minutes · 8/25/2024

    We each have the power to be the creator of our own inner experience, no matter what is going on externally. The moment you imply wrongness on others, you give power to them. In this excerpt, Aya Caspi shows that the more self-responsibility you take, the more freedom you will have.  

  16. 10 Healthy Ways To Deal With Anger

    10 Healthy Ways To Deal With Anger

    Eddie Zacapa

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 5/20/2023

    We can see anger as an alarm or signal that can inform us that unmet needs require attention, or that we hold judgements. We can shift our own anger in several healthy ways: get present, identify the stimulus and any judgements or unmet needs, look for ways to meet our needs, make requests that support our needs, express our needs to ourselves and appropriate others, and more.

  17. Living Compassion in Challenging Times

    Living Compassion in Challenging Times

    (6 Session Course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 9 hours · 04/19/2023

    Self-compassion is essential for healing trauma and restoring your wholeness. It is also an antidote to reactivity and separation, allowing presence to emerge.

    In developing presence, you can become what the world needs most in these times of intensity and chaos. This work can strengthen your skills to be more fully in relationship with all that life offers while allowing your heart to be moved by what is alive in you and with others

  18. Cause of Feelings

    Cause of Feelings

    Sylvia Haskvitz

    Audio · 13 minutes · 7/29/2010

    Many of us blame other people for our feelings but our own state of needs is the true cause. In this powerful audio, Sylvia teaches you how to manage your emotions in challenging situations and demonstrates the process of Screaming in Giraffe.

  19. Trainer Tip: Take a moment to consider feelings, our conditioning about expressing or even feeling emotion, and the value of re-evaluating our relationship to feelings.

  20. Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    Deal-Breakers and Staying with Yourself

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 8 - 12 minutes · 1/26/2024

    When deciding if someone crossed your boundaries and how to respond, you may get conflicting opinions on it. These opinions can be coarse attempts to manage life with rules about what should(n’t) happen. Instead, so that you can find where you want to invest your energy, ask yourself questions that reveal what for you is truly in integrity, nourishing, connects to your heart, and deepens self understanding. Read on for examples.

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